
Absent Wisconsin Senators Endorse Product

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Your pet have a pesky flea problem? Don't fret our Comrades in the Wisconsin Senate has just the fix for you.


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Excellent, Comrade Snoogie.

I'm sure among the "thousands" of unionized proles in Madison, who haven't showered for ["sick"]days, would benefit greatly from this product as their underarm deodorant of choice.

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Perhaps we have found a new role for Schwarzenegger?

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I can vouch that this works... they just fled the peoples republic of Indiana!

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Somewhere along the Pakistan border, Osama's cave is getting a bit cramped.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Somewhere along the Pakistan border, Osama's cave is getting a bit cramped.

oh, my most pardonage. I thought you said Obama and I was going to denounce you.

obama cave.jpg

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The Wisconson Rethuglikkkans are now actively searching for our Friends of Democracy.


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I am thinking they would have more luck find them, if they had placed the add on whiskey bottles.

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Are you implying that Wisconsin legislators are a bunch of drunken German Catholics? Or am I reading too much into your statement?