
Another Video Full of LIES

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How shameless are Republicans? This shameless:

Everyone knows Bill Clinton is a Republican and that he doesn't speak for us. And Barney Frank and Maxine Waters? Please, they aren't even members of Congress anymore and if they are, well, then they too are Republicans.


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Comrade Chairman. What I want to know is how did this vile pack of lies make it past our censors communication experts at YouTube? Google has done whatever our fraternal socialist brethren in China ask when it comes to censoring repressing stifling rearranging the items displayed in a browser search. We must get the Ministry of Propaganda (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC) to ignore disregard overlook this obvious hit piece against our most trusted party academicians.

I am sure that when The OneTM takes power is elected, this type slander will stop!

Forgive my over-usage of strikethrough. I am very upset and must lie down. Wait! I am lying down.

How did Bill Clinton escape detection so long? For years he seemingly served as a loyal Democrat, only now he shows his true character. To think for years he hid his true Capitalist Republican ideology. He was a traitor from the begining, a tool of the bougeosie.

If Bill Clinton is a trotskyist agent, where else might these vermin be hiding? I'm afraid a wholesale purge may be in order.

To that end: I gladly offer testimony that in 1992 Bill Clinton revealed to me personally that his ultimate goal was the destruction of socialism. Not only that, but he showed me extensive orders issued by his Republican masters and a large quantitiy of reactionary literature.


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And to think providing appartments to our fellow Soviets was a "problem". All us compassionate commies just want those who don't have a house to have a house.

The foolish RethugliKKKans want to keep everyone but their ri¢h friends out in the street.

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When it is time to purge Bill, Hillary will lead the way.

Edit Revised and corrected: Obviously, this video is taking these comments out of context.

<off> I am glad that the put sub-titles for Bwaney Fwrank--I can never understand him.