
Arresting Children For The Children(TM)

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In the Republik of Mississippi, law enforcement and Party officials have hit upon a new way to train and ensure compliance with future party directives. Dubbed "Juvenile Gulags", the system is now geared towards maximum incarceration of children for any misdeeds at school.

For instance, one student, was arrested because his shoes did not conform to the established Party mandated norm. By arresting this five-year-old future terrorist or drug dealer now, we have taken glorious strides to preventing future crime.

In fact, this is an ongoing trend in Mississippi, where at least one county maintains a full maximum security Juvenile Gulag.

Comrade Joan Ermatwat, aid to the Governor of Mississippi, is quoted as saying "This is simply a preemptive imprisonment. When we punish them now, before they know any better, we are ensuring that they are punished for future crimes, and because they are in jail, are now much less likely to commit any crimes in the future. We are doing this for The Children."

There you have it Comrades. The more five year old children we can arrest, punish and indoctrinate in the gulags now, the fewer thoughtcriminals and terrorists we will have on the street.

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Zero tolerance is a whole lot easier than common sense, and it allows us to arbitrarily punish anyone who does not conform to the mandate. Well done, Mississippi.

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It's also a great way to avoid charges of Racism(TM) when you can simply point back to a zero tolerance policy.

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Once they're in and all is good, why even let them out? Let them spend their entire lives in a work camp, along with all the other children, adults, and seniors of this country. Wouldn't then America become a totally crime-less and tranquil workers' paradise?

When all are equal in the barrack and they aren't aware of any other way to live, how do they know this isn't paradise on Earth?

Immanentize the eschaton NOW!


Comrades this is an great stride toward meeting the needs of the party's constituency
- the Independent Mother.

After smashing that Goobermental competitor authority structure called the bourgeoise family unit, we must now provide free day care, free pre K indocrination, negative income taxes and the tough love compassion of party disciplinarians for these thankfully fatherless trouble makers.

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Excellent news in light of the sequestration. Necessary funds for future work camps will simply be shifted from the Head Start™ program. No need for wasted time of printing.

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Of course in order to make the work camps thrive we'll have to outlaw abortion this way we have a bountiful supply of future criminals to put into work camps. Abortion is only a tool that we use in the deconstruction phase of our plans, it must be outlawed once the socialist state arrives with our utopia in tow.

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Comrade expel,

You made a grave error in your post by stating a "negative income tax" to the fatherless troublemakers.

NOBODY (except the inner party, of coarse....stalin bless them!) is immune from taxes!!!!!

Why even uttering such rethuglikkkan ideas will force a lengthly stay in a gulag for self examination!

I think a retraction and proper comment is needed, and quickly comrade!

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His O'liness has special uniforms for the parents of subversive children.

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