
Barackistan House

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barackaistan house.jpg

I have been continually disturbed by reference to the "White House", so I have come to the progressive conclusion that it should be changed (and if any disagree, an email will be sent from Comrade Professor Ellen Lewin, which will straighten out your thinking). We cannot continue to allow our dear, glorious Leader to live in "White" House, which was obviously name for white people. The shame and humiliation of such is unthinkable. Thus and so, I am deeming that we, in the Glorious People's Cube™, come up with another brilliant name for our Leader home.

I am suggesting Barackistan House, which would pay homage to places afar with which dear Leader has much in common. Or, perhaps Obamawai House, which would be suiting to pay respect to the 56th state in which he was supposed to be born. This would be more politically correct and less racist for Obama, the most overly intelligentsia President in the history of history (I know this because or the most recent DNC Memo).

So, please, loyal comrades, Party Elites and common proles, submit your ideas and suggestions so we can all ponder.

Whoever submits the most glorious new name for our new Leaders house, will receive an extra ration of beets, which will of course, be mail COD. (yes, yes, I know, please do not thank me)

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Maybe:"IN" House? That could help with Dear Leader's new "IN" campaign.
Maybe not: Some Reich Winger will come up with The "OUT" House as a retort. Their minds are always in the toilet.

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Barackistan House and Obamawai House sound like college fraternity housing where all the hazing and trickery happens.

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How about the name "Sheet House"? Sheets come in a large variety of colors, which can be changed for a myriad of reasons on short notice.

It maintains the dignity of clean sheets.

Major Mistake suggests changing the exterior to brick.

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Shi . . . . oh, Sheet, well yes, that is a possibility but I can envision reichwingers showing up in them!!

And what is wrong with a fraternity house name, I ask? Are you insinuating dear Leader got in because he's black and didn't belong in college, Trumpscratchy???!

I like the "In" house since that is part of dear Leaders, "In"ness but you are correct. They would be making photo's saying Out House.

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Judge Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:And what is wrong with a fraternity house name, I ask? Are you insinuating dear Leader got in because he's black and didn't belong in college, Trumpscratchy???!

My Dear Frauline- Did you miss my politically correct insertion of the word "sound", which grammar modifier enables one to make the sentence say whatever is expedient retroactively? (Depending on which direction the wind is blowing)

I learned that from CPS agents.

We all know it can be very dangerous to actually SAY what one is really thinking.

"At a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." (George Orwell)

"You can't depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus." -- Mark Twain

"Add a few drops of malice to a half truth and you have an absolute truth." -- Eric Hoffer

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Speaking of the Orwellian World- Here is the finest example of DoubleThink ™ and DoubleSpeak ™ I have seen in a while-

Not Spending Money Is Mortgaging America's Future, Obama Says
Thursday, April 28, 2011
By Fred Lucas

( – Deficits are not the only thing that could mortgage America's future, President Barack Obama told Democratic donors in New York on Thursday. He stressed that if government does not spend money in certain areas, it would be mortgaging the country's future.

“There's more than one way to mortgage America's future,” Obama said at The Town Hall in New York. “We mortgage that future if we don't get a handle on our deficit and debt, but we also mortgage it if we're not investing in those things that will assure the promise of the American Dream for the next generation.”

Obama, in the speech, broadly defined the government expenditures needed to ensure prosperity for the next generation that should not be sacrificed for deficit and debt reduction.


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Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:Speaking of the Orwellian World- Here is the finest example of DoubleThink ™ and DoubleSpeak ™ I have seen in a while-

Not Spending Money Is Mortgaging America's Future, Obama Says
Thursday, April 28, 2011
By Fred Lucas

( – Deficits are not the only thing that could mortgage America's future, President Barack Obama told Democratic donors in New York on Thursday. He stressed that if government does not spend money in certain areas, it would be mortgaging the country's future.

“There's more than one way to mortgage America's future,” Obama said at The Town Hall in New York. “We mortgage that future if we don't get a handle on our deficit and debt, but we also mortgage it if we're not investing in those things that will assure the promise of the American Dream for the next generation.”

Obama, in the speech, broadly defined the government expenditures needed to ensure prosperity for the next generation that should not be sacrificed for deficit and debt reduction.


Well! Let's hope he doesn't mean cutting taxes to give those rich people ammo to invest money in things to help the next generation.

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That would be crazy! The next generation needs is high taxes and to give their time more freely to the Federal Government. The founding fathers knew this would be the case! Major Mistake has passed out! Fraulein, Your suggestion is excellent! My only consideration was by calling it "Sheet House" , everyone would know what you were talking about.
Last edited by General Confusion on 4/29/2011, 8:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason for editing this post: update!

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A man of Obama's ginormous intellect could only reside in the "big" house.

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Previously in the recent past I submitted to the Peoples Glossary ™ the phrase "House of Color not to be mentioned". this honors the peoples of color who may live there now as well as the Latino, Asian, and Mongol candidates of the future.

Comrade Whoopie, I agree with your learned assessment that the "Big House" is rightfully appropriate for recognition of all that Dear Leader has brought to his sheeple. Only such a mansion should befit his actions. Image and if we put dispensers for powdered soap in the showers, I hear it's harder to pick up. I hope it all works out for him... Image The big house, even the name brings to mind a safe, secure retirement place fitting for a former president to reflect upon his contributions to society...

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I'll tune in to the Daily Show to see what John may say on the subject, he knows the future ...... ... _20090707/

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Me thinks the Colonel done flung a wormhole on me! I can barely type these words as non party approved obscenities race through me boot!

There should be NO OTHER NAME for Dear Leaders current digs than HOUSE OF G-D!

As for "comrade" Tovarichi's off handed -dropping the soap in prison- reference,...



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Ahem.aaah. no. ..why ask personal questions...

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Comrades! Comrades!

This should not be controversial. Pure logic reveals the new proper name for the house called "White" because all its previous occupants have been "white": Some might erroneously conclude that it ought to be called "The Black House" during the Presidency of Barack Obama.

The obvious flaw in such reasoning is that Obama is not black even though he's not white. He's halfway between "black" and "white" -- thus, to classify him in any other way smacks of the kind of genetic-purity terminology favored among the Hitler-Loving Tea-Partiers-- especially the black-poseur Tea-Partiers such as Rep. Allen West and Herman Cain.

Thus, just as Obama's election transformed all our Red States and Blue States into "Purple States," his half-way-between-white-and-black status makes him our first Gray President. (Also, we know that Bill Clinton was our first "black" president.) Thus, while Obama is President, the name of his residence should be The Gray House.

This is perfectly appropriate for yet another reason: Given the fact that by virtue of his election, Newsweek announced its keen insight that "We're All Socialists, Now," gray is the most appropriate color since our journey to Next Tuesday is almost complete yielding the uniform grayness craved not only by Big BrObama but by O'Brien as well as all others who came to recognize the wisdom of worshiping the wisdom of Big BrObama.

This principle of uniform grayness will be fondly recalled by the large number of members here at the Cube who are former citizens of the Soviet Union (except, of course, for that tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny minority among them who sport that wierd anti-Obama bumper sticker).


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Ah yes - our first post-modern, post-American, and even post-color president.

My heart cockles are warming up again :)

And I would propose "O House" but I think Bubba pretty much already clinched that one...