
Bloomberg Diet is Shovel Ready

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Thank Lenin for comrades like Mayor Bloomberg. His ban on 16 ounce soda is pure genius. Think of all the workers that will gain employment in the new 15.9 ounce cup factories that will no doubt spring up all over the world (here is perfect example of new factory that has already sprung up Nissan 15.9 Cup Factory for overweight westerners); not to mention the lives he will save by encouraging our sometimes overweight youth to consume more responsibly.


I hope Dear Leader is watching. By simply banning more things and adding even more government controls he could jump-start the Bushcausedproblem economy as entrepreneurs in all fields scramble to innovate around all the new laws. Simple no?

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:

Hmmm, using Comrade Bloomberg's logic we should ban chairs in restuarants because it makes it easier for people to eat too much food when they order it. Yes, from now on we will require people to eat standing up! No wait, let's make it even harder.... they have to eat while standing on their heads! That will force everyone to make a conscious decision - how long do I want to stand on my head and eat? Do I really want another burger or should I just have a single french fry so I can get rid of this headache?

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Once a few years ago I was in Los Angeles at a sushi place; run by a Japanese couple. They were thin. Their child, entirely Americanized, was a fat little boy who ran everywhere and made lots of noise and was ungovernable.

Although my foot itched, I did not scratch it on his ass.

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Are we not being insensitive? Recall that Bubba Bill was wont to supersize things--fries, cokes, and even interns. Or at least their thongs. The cigars? He was a wuss there.

There is nothing wrong with fat people because if they're progs, they earned the calorie ration, and if they're not, we'll merely baste them in their own drippings as we roast them.