
But Seriously Folks

God Bless George Bush! I'll say it again, GOD BLESS GEORGE BUSH!

Even if you are not religious, it comes out just as easily as GOD BLESS AMERICA! Just let it roll off your tongue! I don't know about you but I am completely astonished as we sit still while the message the media presents is a dire straight for conservative America today and the crushing defeat that awaits us in November. How about we stop with the nonsense, starting NOW! We Americans are getting our talking points straight from the mainstream media propaganda machine and fruitcake society. For that reason alone we will need to choose between waking up and dying right or just dying. And I cannot believe that we are sitting on a fence about it!

We need to distance ourselves from George Bush????!!!!!!

Now that is real leadership and genuine strategy on our part! That is about as a fine example as all those dimmy's jumping ship and shifting their presidential endorsements throughout the primary season like some sort of spiritual currency. The overwhelming thinking says that we need to reverse course of the last eight years of Bush Inc. Replacing it with dimmycrat liberalism which essentially can only be defined rightly as “Al Qaida in America”, with the keys to the kingdom to be coveted forever more as conservative methodology and the Republican party disappears forever!

The treasonous and outrageous actions of liberal dimmycrats over the past eight years are finally bearing fruit! Hell, just since taking over congress in 2006, gas prices have doubled, the real estate market and related credit crisis has exploded and congress sits with an approval rating of 18% currently. Dimmys were elected then on the platform that they would RESOLVE all of these concerns and bring the troops home from Iraq in defeat.

With such successes to gloat over, they have earned even more clout today, and telling us that conservative America should be running scared in November! We watched the treason of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, respectively calling the Iraq war lost and seeking out our enemy Syria in conciliation without any official instruction from the Commander in Chief. With the current presidential aspirations of Obama Bin Laden and Billary Clinton, we should be making it very clear that THEY should be running scared, straight to Iran (Hell) as a matter of fact!

But of course, they already are! Liberals want to take their green revolution and join forces with Iran and their green revolution! And how on earth did we lend legitimacy to this “green” revolution taking place in America anyway. This has to be the biggest sham on the American people since the traveling medicine show. How did we allow America to fall for these global warmongering shenanigans?! Doesn't anybody remember reading Animal Farm in high school before it was banned?

Rest assured we have been given a taste of what an Obama Bin Laden presidency would be with a further liberalized agenda. Ahh, let's not forget to mention another success of the 2006 congress: filling our gas tanks with food stuffs! Bringing early premonitions of what hard core food inflation at home would look like, the wondrous geopolitical instability such an energy agenda will create with ripening potential for starvation in the third world. All the while, an unrepentant and unenlightened Islam spreads it's agenda with even further reach, as we pull out of victory in Iraq with our tails between our legs!

Liberals who have been looking for the analogies between Vietnam and Iraq and/or Afghanistan since day one, have finally found a potential irony that we seriously need to reflect upon. Like in 1976, we elected a degenerate miscreant to the highest office in the land in response to the errors and pain of our defeat in Vietnam. Now in 2008, we are considering electing another degenerate miscreant clone in response to the errors and pain caused by our victory in Iraq.

Yes, Al Qaida in America has surely done it's job, because we conservatives are falling for it! Somehow we do account for a great many of people in endless media survey's that claim that more then 80% who believe that America is heading down the wrong direction. We are suffering from the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression! We have witnessed the disappearance of the American middle class! Free trade is the cause of universal poverty and poverty is everywhere in America! We have the health care second to Liberia! Look at the catastrophes caused by global warming! Hell, they even succeeded in getting America to believe that had someone else been president, Hurricane Katrina would have never happened and everyone on the Gulf Coast would have been saved! The relentless treasonous mainstream media attacks on America and our President in a time of war have finally had it's desired effect.

When considering how we are going in the wrong direction in America, let's wake up to all that personal attention to detail we give to degenerate low life Hollywood liberal celebrities and their pathetic lives indeed. With their fruitcake political agendas in tow, we ignore the impressions they have on our children to the point that they (our children) are soaking up and emulating the “gangsta” persona and the culture of pornography until they (our children) are unrecognizable even to our own eyes, suffering with STD's and uncontrollable urges to expose themselves to internet web cams. It is time for America to take back Our Children!

Al Qaida in America will naturally blame our failure of parental responsibility on George Bush (see Michelle Bin Laden on this), saying it is ourselves who are the victims so we get on board with the nanny state they are promising us. Liberals are outraged by the privacy lost by the Patriot Act and denounce the success it has been to our nation's security since it's enactment. However they want the government fully engaged in our health care, with complete knowledge of our lifestyles and whatever nasty diet habits we have become accustomed to. Naturally, it will take the government to “fix” these bad habits, establish quotas on our visits to McDonalds and to improve our “wellness” through social engineering, including soviet style fat farms.

While outrageous realities are rising to the surface regarding Obama Bin Laden
and the true nature of his agenda, it has refused to sink into our conscience whatsoever! Meanwhile he gets more and more “audacious” with each passing day, making statements like his most current; "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times...and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." Anyone care to clarify that statement?! It amazes me that in the 23 years since Ronald Reagan declared...

Liberalism is over because it is virtually bankrupt of ideas. It has nothing more to say, nothing to add to the debate. It has spent its intellectual capital, such as it was—and it has done its deeds.”

We are now allowing the revision of this outcome today so we can REPEAT
the unmitigated failures of the past, here, now in 2008. WAKE UP AMERICA!

Whatever reservations that we may have about John McCain regarding his positions on immigration and carbon regulation alike, we will need not only to vote for him for president but also for each and everyone of our republican representatives to keep McCain's' impulses regarding these issues in check. Better yet, we all need to make sure that each and every one of us gets up off our collective asses to vote, and vote with clarity! We need a President with a characteristic that George Bush has sorely needed throughout his tenure, the ability to show some anger in the face of the outrageous actions of our enemies, both at home and abroad! We need to see a temper in our president, we need to see the sirens go off on their face and in their language as well!

If Americans focused more on keeping his and her own personal economic home in order, and remember that only we alone can only be responsible for improving it, the whole of the American economy will reflect our success as it always has! Just don't ask a liberal to do the same while promising government solutions to every malady real and imagined, but nonesuch for the war on terror. But of course we must raise taxes "just for the rich” who our wars are waged for.

Just as if each of us would strive to take our children back from the grip of hollywood culture, the degenerate platform of celebrity liberalism would disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow. In such a hypothetical scenario, hopefully they would take the rest of Al Qaida In America with them!

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Great Stalin's Ghost!! Who allowed this? My eyes! My ears! Where is SMERSH? I demand a subsidy! I have been Bush Crimed!!!

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I couldn't read it! The horror! The horror!

Smersh is dead. The Empress ordered his execution.

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ImageHmmmm, the way things are going.... I wonder how legal the Empress' orders are. But that is just between you and I. Oh yes, how I longed for the Empress Thousand Year Reign....but it just doesn't look to be. I just can't get excited about this Obama...he just doesn't have the cold blooded, blood curdling, re-cycled pure virgin's blood going though his veins. He wouldn't have a clue how to run a proper interrogation much less a good show trial. But there you are. We are stuck.....

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Vodkov wrote: Smersh is dead. The Empress ordered his execution.

How could it be?!? He was so young, he had so many beds to cut off... so many proles not subjugated....


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Bensnooty you knuckledragging Rethuglican 19%er did you take a wrong turn on your way to
Bensnooty wrote: Whatever reservations that we may have about John McCain regarding his positions on immigration and carbon regulation alike, we will need not only to vote for him for president but also for each and everyone of our republican representatives to keep McCain's' impulses regarding these issues in check.
I hear what you're saying brother, and I'm sure come Nov. most will begrudgingly pull the lever for McCain including myself. Until then I can't help speaking out against the left turn the Republican Party is taking. America Wake Up?? How about GOP Wake Up!

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Not to worry Premoer. SMERSH can not be killed by one somewhat deluded Commissar.

I nave no hope for the Republican party. It is my sincere hope and wish that regardless of what happens over the next few years, that a new, Conservative party take root and grow. There is no law, so far, that only there be 2 parties. Better yet, let us outlaw political parties and go back to the way this country was originally.

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Never mind that!
Where can I get a Cone of Silence?

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Bensnooty has just moved to the top of the list of the first up against the wall when the revolution comes. Obviously a racist, sexist, capitalist and all around poopy-head.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:...Obviously a racist, sexist, capitalist and all around poopy-head.
And he's mean to Liberals, too. He should be shot just for that.

THOUGHT CRIME!!! God Bless George Bush????

This is CLEARLY an OUTRAGE!!! The Show Trial and Execution must begin immediately.

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Navigator, check Party approved art.

And while you are there, find the cheapest bullet for this criminal posting here.

May I paraphrase the great Peoples' Reverend, when I say "no, no, no, not God Bless America/Bush, God &%@! America/George W. Bush! It's in the Bible!"

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Pup: The best thing to do is fix the GOP by becoming more active at the local level and/or organizing over the internet in the same fashion the left has in order to -- and I hate using that bastard Kos' words -- "crash the gate" on the current RINO establishment. I have yet to find any efforts on the right -- a real conservative effort -- to organize conservatives via the internet and to advocate and promote real conservative cadidates for office. Yes, there is talk radio, but talk radio doesn't organize (with the exception of Rush and OpChaos), raise money or push for good Congressional candidates.

If we are going to get serious about fixing the GOP and purging the RINOs it is going to have to start here on the internet where we can connect people in a combined effort and every conservative blog that has a considerable audience will have to contribute and participate in such an effort.

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ImageGood points, as usual Chairman, but I really believe it will take a true revolution politically, or otherwise, to make this change. There are efforts being made along the lines you suggest, but then they are in the infancy stage. Of course, we do not have a billionaire financing these efforts like the KOS heads do, and that makes a big difference,

BTW, I do wish to mention this since this was my district, and I have heard it talked about quite a bit on the radio. Yes, we lost a long term republican seat in Baton Rouge, but I question some of the explanations that it was part of this bigger story. The man was running way ahead till the returns came in from East Baton Rouge parish. But it is also true that Baton Rouge has grown at an amazing rate this past 3 years.... much of it fed by the Katrina refugees that have moved here. So the very nature of the parish politically has been altered considerably.

To the Chairman and Commissar,

Yes, Yes, YES! To all of these great ideas! All politics start from the bottom up, not the other way around! The RNC had it right until as of late. If anything, the CCCP (DCCC) were very late in understanding this. However, the CCCP never thought they needed to work the bottom up, because they were too busy in creating the agenda by talking DOWN to the masses. This is something that happens when you own every piece of media turf in the universe and adhere to central planning demagoguery.

Not even mentioning news orgs, over the course of a fifty year cold war, how many songs did you hear about peace, love and understanding through the end of communism? All that I know of are songs about peace, love and understanding through surrender, or the end of Americana! "American woman, I don't need your war machines, I don't need your ghetto scenes!" Yeah, baby, peace, love and REVOLUTION! - Che Style! That's what it was all about! And I don't suspect that we will be hearing any big time classics about peace love and revolution to end islamofashionism any time soon.

What we need to do today is something more difficult, and that is to infiltrate this media hegemony! It is quite obvious that Fox News will always be the beginning of something. But we haven't exactly moved beyond to something next and AM radio and the internet currently are singers to the choir.

Conservatives need to infiltrate the MSM as moviemakers, documentary makers, screenwriters, songsmiths (outside of country music) and pop historians who are going to put the conservative methodology on their sleeve. One doesn't need to see a political movie or documentary to see the fruitcake fantasy shining through in even the most benign media product! (See Sesame Street). We need to end the media blacklist of conservatives! So we can end the media propaganda machine and make sure that MSM products like Obama Bin Laden and Billary Clinton are nothing more than vacuum tube vapordust!

It is time we really get rolling with CLEARING THE AIR!