
Busted: Colbert's "Clean" Occupy Protester is a Wacky Stoner

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Image TV comedian Steven Colbert recently went to the Occupy Wall Street rally in Che costume and picked a couple of "nice, clean, and idealistic" OWS protesters whom he later took to his pretend posh condo over Ziccotti Park and tried to seduce them with money and creature comforts. And now Americans on the both sides of the moral divide are trying to figure out what Colbert's "co-occupation" of Wall Street really meant.

But a funnier, and more revealing clip with one of these activists named "Ketchup" comes from real life - protesting while stoned - captured on video and posted on YouTube. If you think she's just like the 99% of us, you must be even higher than Ketchup. See her at the bottom of the post. For now let's stick to the order of appearance.


Conservative magazine The Blaze posted a glowing review of the episodes, inviting us to enjoy the hilarity. Even some conservative bloggers sent me excited emails about Colbert ridiculing of the OWS. But their joy was rather like that of a man who had suffered from sensory deprivation for so long that he begins to sense things that aren't there.

Here is my answer to one of them:

Colbert's act is a twisted spoof similar to the People's Cube - only coming from the opposite direction. In the beginning of the episode he outlined the premise: the Tea Party had quickly sold out for cash; so let's see if the OWS can be bought as well. The conclusion we are being spoon-fed is that the "spontaneous grass roots movement" called Occupy Wall Street is not for sale - they are the "true, honest, and lovable representatives of the people" whom you can trust.

Colbert himself is playing a caricature of a cynical and corrupt plutocrat who believes money runs everything - which is how the Left sees all capitalists. Essentially, Colbert and the two OWS activists are attuned to the same mental frequency. His two "interviewees" know exactly what they're doing and are likely Colbert's biggest fans - just like the rest of the OWS residents who get their news and opinions from Comedy Central.

This stunt could have had value if Colbert hadn't replaced the truth with "truthiness" he claims to satirize. In real life, it's the Tea Parties who are independent financially, while OWS has been financed and organized from the start by shadow sugar daddies.

A conservative comedian could have done this better - if such species hadn't become extinct on television. This is yet another difference between the Professional Left and the Amateur Right.
And now, as promised, meet "Ketchup" - the "female-bodied person" in red glasses - in her natural habitat, wildly ranting while being higher than kite (1:35). A "touchingly idealistic all-American girl" indeed. She is not credible, and neither is Colbert's entire premise.


Ushanka tip to Comrade Popov-Smirnoff for the link to the "Leave OWS Alone" rant.

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A stoned Komradette (or Komradito for that matter) is an embarrassment to the People's Movement.

From now on, anyone calling him/herself a People's Character faithful to Karl Marx, must only indulge in beets and Stolyshnaya.

It is a shame that we don't have a Professional Right ready and trained to debunk the Professional Left. Then again, in America, Citizen Politicians are supposed to be temporary in nature, and perpetually amateurish, which is what an average member of the Tea Party is all about. (BTW, Ron Paul and his Paulettes are an anti-thesis to this, but in reality they are in the same ideological plane as Marxists.)

However, Ronald Reagan did drink the Kool-Aid when he was young; he belonged to the Hollywood Kollective, and no doubt had his indoctrination sessions. But he overcame it. I guess it takes a little temporary Marxist infection to get someone immune to Marxism, which is why some of us are immune, for we were Marxists once in our youth, which in turn has tuned us to detect the faintest aroma of Lenin/Stalin/Marx in any political movement (and also made us watchful to the point of paranoia...). I wear proudly my label of 'Neocon'.

I cannot hope to see every American immunized, for that would mean that every American be Marxist during some time of their life, but I can hope for everyone who is like Reagan, former members of the Left, to rise up and stand in the gap, just as Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli were at the Battle of Helm's Deep, when the Orcs tried to storm the fortress.

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Red Square wrote:
Aaaah! don't eat me, Comrade Red Funkyass glasses!
Red Square wrote:

Dat's a perty nice hat you got there boy, uh, comrade boy! Whar you git that hat at?

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Image Colbert, despite his motives, called OWS "a cult", and, in that respect, he was right! Ketchup's wiggling fingers of (dis)approval, obviously, represent an homage to the multi-proboscised Cthulhu, god of tent-covered dungheaps and eyewear overkill.

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The tents were provided by REI.............." Ketchup's " glasses by The Dollar Store.

The wiggling fingers was my " OMG " tipping point.

At least Clthulu had a purpose.

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Commie-rads. You would be pissed also if the Kapitalist Pigs had cancelled your talk show.Image

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Is "Ketchup" not saying her real name because it's actually Allen?

Yep. "Ketchup" is Woody Allen's daughter. Or granddaughter. Or concubine. Or all of the above, I kind of don't want think about it right now.

Here's another one, with an open mouth:


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Comrades, what you call “wiggles” are officially called “Twinkles” (it just sounds cuter)—part of a lexicon of Occupy hand signals outlined here:

Reading that, for some reason I find myself thinking Barney the Dinosaur must have a song-and-dance routine that teaches kids how to do the Twinkles and other gestures. I'm also reminded of this old Cube thread:

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Comrades, what you call “wiggles” are officially called “Twinkles” (it just sounds cuter)—part of a lexicon of Occupy hand signals outlined here:

Reading that, for some reason I find myself thinking Barney the Dinosaur must have a song-and-dance routine that teaches kids how to do the Twinkles and other gestures. I'm also reminded of this old Cube thread:
Everything old is new again. Isn't that the current truth?- wiggles; almost the sign of the party organ, but not quite -Image

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It seems that the other "star" of Colbert's piece is one Justin Wedes, from the Detroit area. He is now being made into a local hero by our local media. Here is the current truth from the Detroit Free Press.
Even though Colbert's show is a comedy, Wedes said that the two-part sit-down interview, scheduled to conclude tonight on Comedy Central, was a great forum to spread the movement's “thoughtful message behind direct democracy” and what it is that the protesters want to achieve.
“Tonight's ‘Colbert Report' will be the climax,” Wedes said. “Monday's show set up the context of him wanting to learn more and buy us out, but people are going to see us stay strong and not sell out.”
Wedes said that the leaderless Occupy Wall Street movement continues to gain momentum, not just in the Big Apple but in cities across the country, including Detroit.
“We know that people are fed up with greed and corruption,” Wedes said. “I think it's exciting people can see our process in action and that it has captivated so many people. Hopefully, this will help give others that little nudge so people want to engage in the process and make a consensus together.”
Once again the relevant question is, how does satire keep up with real life?

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Honestly, after seeing that winging, whiney neo-hippy in the latter posted video clip, I can now understand why these "male-bodied persons" are required to resort to sexual assault to "get some."

But I digress...

I wish to raise a point of process.... "Tomato Sauce" -- or whatever her name is -- demonstrated an excellent point. Perhaps we should hereafter refer to Dear Leader (AP&PBUH) as Dear Facilitator (AP&PBUH)?

Use of the term "Leader" implies that there are followers...a heirarchy if you will... A Leader could actually be misconstrued to be a dictator or authoritarian. Whereas "Facilitator" implies an "empowered consensus builder," a "moderator."

People like moderation. It is a very non-threatening title implying importance and authority without upsetting the masses unduly. The OWSers seem to like that terminology. It should help reglue the base.

Can we get a temperature check on that?

Red Square wrote:
Image TV comedian Steven Colbert recently went to the Occupy Wall Street rally in Che costume and picked a couple of "nice, clean, and idealistic" OWS protesters whom he later took to his pretend posh condo over Ziccotti Park and tried to seduce them with money and creature comforts. And now Americans on the both sides of the moral divide are trying to figure out what Colbert's "co-occupation" of Wall Street really meant.

But a funnier, and more revealing clip with one of these activists named "Ketchup" comes from real life - protesting while stoned - captured on video and posted on YouTube. If you think she's just like the 99% of us, you must be even higher than Ketchup. See her at the bottom of the post. For now let's stick to the order of appearance.

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<embed src=" ... com:401092" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed>

Conservative magazine The Blaze posted a glowing review of the episodes, inviting us to enjoy the hilarity. Even some conservative bloggers sent me excited emails about Colbert ridiculing of the OWS. But their joy was rather like that of a man who had suffered from sensory deprivation for so long that he begins to sense things that aren't there.

Here is my answer to one of them:
Colbert's act is a twisted spoof similar to the People's Cube - only coming from the opposite direction. In the beginning of the episode he outlined the premise: the Tea Party had quickly sold out for cash; so let's see if the OWS can be bought as well. The conclusion we are being spoon-fed is that the "spontaneous grass roots movement" called Occupy Wall Street is not for sale - they are the "true, honest, and lovable representatives of the people" whom you can trust.

Colbert himself is playing a caricature of a cynical and corrupt plutocrat who believes money runs everything - which is how the Left sees all capitalists. Essentially, Colbert and the two OWS activists are attuned to the same mental frequency. His two "interviewees" know exactly what they're doing and are likely Colbert's biggest fans - just like the rest of the OWS residents who get their news and opinions from Comedy Central.

This stunt could have had value if Colbert hadn't replaced the truth with "truthiness" he claims to satirize. In real life, it's the Tea Parties who are independent financially, while OWS has been financed and organized from the start by shadow sugar daddies.

A conservative comedian could have done this better - if such species hadn't become extinct on television. This is yet another difference between the Professional Left and the Amateur Right.
And now, as promised, meet "Ketchup" - the "female-bodied person" in red glasses - in her natural habitat, wildly ranting while being higher than kite (1:35). A "touchingly idealistic all-American girl" indeed. She is not credible, and neither is Colbert's entire premise.

Ushanka tip to Comrade Popov-Smirnoff for the link to the "Leave OWS Alone" rant.