
Comrade Mellencamp on First Amendment Group Think

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Mr. Mellencamp might give a thumbs up to "R.O.C.K in the USA," but when it comes to free speech, there apparently needs to be a bit of regulation and oversight. As the Bard explains:

“I don't think people fought and gave their lives so that some guy can sit in his bedroom and be mean. I don't think that's what freedom of speech is,” he continued. “Freedom of speech is really about assembly —for us to collectively have an idea. We want to get our point of view out so we can assemble and I can appoint you to be the spokesman. That's freedom of speech — to be able to collectively speak for a sector of people. But somehow it's turned into ‘I can be an a******whenever I feel like, say whatever I like, be disrespectful to people and not be courteous.' It's not good for our society. Not being courteous is not really freedom of speech.

Oh, but ain't that Amerika
For you and me...
Little pink doms
For you and me

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Eff socialist groupthink Mellencrap. Bring back REAL rock n' roll like this oldie:

"It's my mind and I'll think what I want!" Now, THAT'S rock n' roll.

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Room 101 wrote:Mr. Mellencamp might give a thumbs up to "R.O.C.K in the USA," but when it comes to free speech, there apparently needs to be a bit of regulation and oversight. As the Bard explains:

“I don't think people fought and gave their lives so that some guy can sit in his bedroom and be mean. I don't think that's what freedom of speech is,” he continued. “Freedom of speech is really about assembly —for us to collectively have an idea. We want to get our point of view out so we can assemble and I can appoint you to be the spokesman. That's freedom of speech — to be able to collectively speak for a sector of people. But somehow it's turned into ‘I can be an a******whenever I feel like, say whatever I like, be disrespectful to people and not be courteous.' It's not good for our society. Not being courteous is not really freedom of speech.
Oh, but ain't that Amerika
For you and me...
Little pink doms
For you and me

Freedom of speech is appointing someone to speak for the collective? Yes, Comrade Mellencamp! Can we award him a medal for this? He truly is a hero of the collective.

Image This rube crooner is obviously a lunatic. His idea of "freedom of speech" falls right in line with Castro's idea. Dear John: Shut the hell up, sing a few songs, and then go away.


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Dear John: Please ignore Comrade Infidel's comment about about singing a few songs and just go quietly. Thank you.

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Comrade Mellencamp must have studied our People's Glossary!

People's Democracy

A higher form of government that no longer relies on the outdated and ineffective election process. In the so-called "bourgeois democracies" elections are routinely accompanied by lies, fraud, disenfranchisement of voters, and ballot recounts in Florida. In a People's Democracy voters think with the collective brain which speaks most accessibly and conveniently through Party representatives. The wish of the collective at any given moment is the law, and no one better knows the wishes and needs of the people than the dear leader himself, e.g., Kim Jung Il of the People's Democratic Republic of North Korea.
<br>Free Speech

In our hands, a powerful weapon to destroy America through media scandals and by protecting our agents in the academic, news, and entertainment industries. We must eradicate all memories of the classical version of Free Speech whereby the government shall not meddle in a citizen's free expression of political views. In its place we must establish a modified, Party-approved version: Free Speech entails no consequences and necessitates no responsibility. Anything goes. The government must meddle head over heels, coercing individuals and businesses to provide material support to those expressing the views they personally oppose. It is accomplished by forcing businesses to pay for anti-business advertising, as well as by using taxpayers' (and students') money to pay tenures to Marxist professors, give grants to progressive artists, and subsidize anti-American propaganda on public radio and TV channels. In the past decades we made the government force private media establishments to share pulpit with us so as to ensure a fair spread of opinions; that stage is over, comrades - the media is ours now and we can dispense with that regulation lest capitalists use it to express their dangerous views. To make sure our opponents don't invoke their right to Free Speech we have come up with the concept of Hate Speech. After the revolution Freedom of Speech will be replaced with a more progressive concept - Freedom to Agree with the collective opinion expressed through a Party representative.