
Comrade Obama has answered our energy prayers!

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Our great leader's environmental-friendly toil finally reaches fruition! No longer will we have to rely on filthy coal and oil! Or risk irradiation from tinker-toy nuclear plants.... yes fellow travelers, the dawn of a new era of safe, renewable, and GREEN energy is upon us!


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How could anybody argue with the wizzdum of the Grate Won?


Oh wow man. Like money comes from mommy and daddy giving it to me. Man

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The real money comes from government subsidies, grants, affirmative action, etc. Any good progressive academic knows this.
free money.jpg

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RE: Comrade Obama has answered our energy prayers!


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Now I am not a scientist, but wouldn't hot air emissions at the pump increase global warming? Of course, with the wisdom of the Obama, this has no doubt been neutralized by the reduction in the other greenhouse gasses?

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Poetry found in comments in Indiana newspaper about the state supreme court new "decision"-

Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home

"OhBummer is a b00b and a fool for attacking the American Tea Partiers. Heck, he thought that he had all of us hoodwinked, hornswoggled, and bamboozled. He's annoyed that the Tea Partiers are not grateful to him for hijacking the American healthcare system --- the greatest act of vandalism perpetrated upon the American people since a gang of jihadi frootloops and loonytoons hijacked some planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers --- and the Pentagon, and made a failed attempt to crash into the White House --- and instead drilled a hole in a Pennsylvania farm thanks to some very courageous American passengers.

And --- now widely seen for what he is --- the president presents a problem for the Democrat-captured media. They pump out his propaganda for him --- and, like the opinion monitors in Ayn Rand's novel, “Atlas Shrugged” --- they are dodging brickbats and rotten vegetables.

He's pompous, pampered, and pretentious --- a pseudo-intellectual fop. He's a glorified, smooth-lyin' dandy, and slicker than Sick Willie Clinton. He's a dictator-on-the-make, a bloodsxcking, predatory humanitarian thug, and a low-down skunk.

He's a fraud and a swindler. He lies when he inhales and he lies when he exhales; his oxygen is the falsification of reality. He lies, placidly and laconically, as if deception were a soporific drug.

He's a friend of the poor and the downtrodden --- indeed, you can hear the milk of human kindness sloshing around inside of him when he walks.

He declares himself the post-racial leader --- “Let me be clear!” he intones --- and he hides behind his race, daring his critics to put their reputation for fairness at risk.

He pauses to ponder the portent of his propaganda --- and it is fakery; he smiles and his mendacity comes shining through. Shake hands with Barak Hushpuppy OhBummer --- “The Mistake of ‘08” --- the illegal alien squatter in the White House until his “papers” have been lab-tested for age and chemicals, etc --- and America's first and last Arab president. Now count your fingers."

It's words ready to be set to music, I think