
Comrades, the Wacko Right MSM has come around ...

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Comrades, rejoice.

As we all knew, it has taken many weeks to get our glorious message out about our Party Leader. Even the Wacko Right MSM has acknowledged the One True Path we are guiding the USSA on.

EDIT: Many apologies to those with sensitive ears ... I was thinking this wacko extremist was going to embrace change, embrace hope. Unfortunately, I posted this Glorious News before I could review the entire piece.

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Glenn Beck, the weeping reactionary prophet of propaganda and hate.

Before FoxNews adopted him like an orphan cat he was collecting pitchforks and stockpiling them in the studio of his progressive employer just to deprive the working masses the tools they need to do Dear Leader's shovel ready work. His subversive plan to derail the stimulus no doubt.

I look forward to the day we can move him and all his viewers into an "Emergency Shelter" on some military base. Hopefully then they'll get the education they so richly deserve.

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I was cheering at this at work!!! People were looking at me really funny.... Oh well. They'll find out when they get capped!