
Could the Entertainment Industry Be Under Siege?

(Warning: Prog-graphic images)

Comrades, I sadly must report some frightening news that has led me to suspect that the entertainment industry, long believed to be firmly under party control, may have been infiltrated by kkkonservatives.

As recently reported by Comrade Rock, our Dear Leader was promised an important role in a highly rated mini-series, only to be tricked into playing Satan.

Now our second favorite leader has become a target of the industry's treachery.

Comrade Putin has been publicly humiliated by obscure actor and snappy dresser Steven Seagal. When I saw this picture I laughed till I cried, so a warning to our gentler progs is in order.


I mean, really? Does this guy think he's Above the Law? This isn't even the first time the entertainment industry has plotted to make Vlad look silly. Some of you may recall ten years ago, Warner Bros. cast Putin's previously unknown, identical twin brother to play Dobby the house elf in Harry Potter.

Comrades, we must strongly denounce this.

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I wouldn't worry - Comrade Seagull is a stalwart Party member, and he has the intelligence to show for it!

Thank you for your words of encouragement comrade ROCK. However my party indoctrination training demands I be ever paranoid vigilant of the vast reich-wing conspiracy.

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Indeed, Comrade Doktor - as well you should and must be!

But Comrade Seagull is one of us, as evidenced by his long time stand for all things green and his obvious brain power.

We must hope that Sheriff Joe doesn't pollute his brilliantly progressive mind!

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Can you identify the U.S. President?
(Answer: President Obama is to the left of Satan)

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My Our entire collective voted UNANIMOUSLY (after a few threats spirited discussion) that anyone who could not distinguish between the images of Commissar Obama And Satan does NOT deserve to receive all of the Free Health Care that is offered under the "Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act". In fact, these Revanchist Counter-Revolutionaries should be Cast Into The Pit Of Fire. Or some similar action...

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I watched that episode of The Bible, and quite frankly, I thought the Satan character sort of reminded me of Ricardo Montalban in The Wrath of Khan. Instead of the scene ending with Satan shapeshifting back into a snake, maybe Jesus could've just left him standing there yelling "CHRIIIIIISSST!!!!"

(And yes, I do know it was really Kirk who did the yelling.)

Last time I watched film which entertained Me was 1998 of the previous era. And up to now, nobody has been compelled to watch anything, except that AlGore movie for those unfortunate enough to be in schools controlled by Ministry of Truth under command of Peoples Commissar, Duncan, and Comrade Academician, Ayers. Now that Party Secretary of Manhattangrad has taken control of recreational dietary habits of His cohorts by diktat under the direction of the CSIPI Commissar of Confection, is better observing chess in the parks which does not charge admission. But you have to know a popcorn pusher to make it satisfying afternoon, da?