

User avatar
Dr. Strangelove
Direktor of Flashing Lights, Shiny Things, Bobbles, and Cinematography
Ministry of Agitprop
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room."

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Glorious, Comrade Strangelove. This gave me an idea for the ultimate Cubist poster:


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Thanks, Comrade Red Square. I'm curious as to how many people besides you, Theo, and SMO actually get my "Cubism" posters.

Not that they're that great, but let me know if you want the larger file versions. It was more of a pain to make those posters with Paint.NET than it would have been with Photoshop!

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I must confess as to my ignorance of the peoples pictured in your first two posters, but presumed they were cubist artists. I'm not much of an art person.

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:I must confess as to my ignorance of the peoples pictured in your first two posters, but presumed they were cubist artists. I'm not much of an art person.

They are the same person, and your guess is correct. Who is the most famous cubist? (and I don't mean Red Square!)

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Fidel Castro? Oh wait that's Cuban. Off hand Picasso comes readily to mind.

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LAIKA! (That's Russian for "BINGO!")

Yes, it is none other than Comrade Picasso.

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See, I told you I was less equal in art than others. I had to guess, rather than recognize Comrade Picasso.

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You probably would have recognized him from this picture:


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Nope. Like I say, don't know squat about art. Especially abstract artists. I'm most nekulturniy that way.

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A poster of Comrade Picasso is very fitting, as he was a quintessential dedicated party member, who loved luxury as much as our Dear Leader and his Kobe beef, trolling around Spain in his fancy automobile with this or that mistress when he wasn't standing before a canvas.

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... and he suffered because even despite his most fervent support of communism, the party disparaged him for his decadent non-representative art, which did not conform to the methods of socialist realism.

On the other hand, I'm glad Picasso never did a full-body portrait of Pinkie with a shovel in the style of true socialist artists.


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I used one of Picasso's drawings as an illustration to the Don Quixote story before. He would be glad as I'm sure he'd have approved of Obama.


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Comrade Red Square, you are a Picasso in the making! Beware you don't get to creative!

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Comrade Picasso,

"I want to be a rich man who lives like a poor man," or some other progressive BS.

One of the very few things I ever laughed at on SNL was a skit where John Levitz (Lovitz?) is Picasso at a restaurant. Basically he just blows his nose into napkins or digs boogers and distributes them with great élan as tips or to pay bills with variants of the phrase, "That's worth at least a million: I'm Picasso!"

Oh, praise be unto YouTube, for Burning Sensations' "Pablo Picasso" and its sad-but-true lyrics (for you straight men out there) are hyar (song appears in Repo Man):

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Comrade Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, Lenin Peace Prize Laureate.


What an asshole.

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Comrade Dr. Strangelove,

As the video notes, "Not like you."