
Curb Your Ambition

Due to prolonged bouts of hypersensitivity and episodes of extreme guilt, The Handicapper General has rated “Curb Your Ambition”…PC!

Is everybody in? (crowd roars) Then let the scamming begin! I'm Dandy Truman, President of the System Workers Union (Local 101). Welcome to This Week in Big Government and the USSA., where union members are busy…workin' at nothing' all day! I'm the resident guru here and I'll teach you to lie, cheat and step on peoples feet. So get hooked on Obamanomics with Dandy Truman while supplies last…this is a “how to” video. Best enjoyed with a glass of grape Kool Aid.

Liberals everywhere are saying that they have been cheated and lied to by the hard line Marxists so badly that they would rather take a shower with Sandusky before they will vote for Obama again.

Sounds like a bit line for another Spitz One Act Play!