
Daily Kosers prove the Right hates America

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The Daily Kos has hit the Che on the bullet proof vest. They have called out the evil, Heritage Foundation for their spreading of lies and other untruths.

They have been exposed that they want America to move toward 3rd World status. here The thoughtful Mr. whoever at the Koser place, points out that the Heritage Foundation want America, the land we depend on for goodies, freebies and handouts, to be a third world nation with "no middle class". AND WHERE WOULD US MIDDLE OF THE CLASSERS GO TO, I ASK?

The stupid peoples at the HF have some silly idea that the U.S. should change it's constitution to require it to only spend a maximum of 18% of it's GDP and require a Super-Majority Vote to increase that spending limit. They are unaware that countries in the 3rd world (wherever that is????) are the only counties with Government Spending as low as what Heritage wants it? We would all be living in poverty if we listen to them. It is shocking, shocking I say, that the loony righwingers in this country, do not want our dear Leader to keep printing money to give out to those in need. It must be that the people of this Heritage Foundation are just racist who hate Obama.

We do not want visual like this to be the American that the rightwingers are demanding! Image

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Comrade Colonel Judge Fraulein, let me begin by stating just how much we have missed your sparkling wit and personality of late - I, for one, was afraid that perhaps your beet truck had been stolen, with you in the back of it, by Rethuglikkkans for nefarious purposes!

Personally, I do not understand this 3rd world I keep hearing about. I can't even find the 2nd world, and it's not for lack of trying! Boggles the mind - is there, then, also a 4th and even a 5th world? It's hard enough coercing good socialism into the first world we live in! I don't know if we're progressive enough for 3 or more, although I'm sure that it wouldn't be beyond Dear Leader's capabilities.

In the meantime, I found the original of the photo you shared (above) and I'm not so sure about all this... this original photo was taken from the slave quarters at the Bushitler Mansion, where the servants of the Bushitler family are forced to swim across the water in the background to get to their work every morning and then back to their meager "home" every night.



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Most loyal comrade R.O.C.K, I was hoping the unfortunate involving my beet truck had not reached the ears of the comrades, but yes, you are of correctness. No doubt it was one of those gnarly rightwing, tea party terrorist looking for transportation so they could spit on dear leader. (spit spit).

I understand your dilemma... I was thinking it was in the 4th world, or perhaps dimension, while being hoosegoed in the back of my truck. Many beets to you for locating the previously un-located photo of the Bushiter abode. And this is what the Righters want for us of simple means.... un-dependent on our beloved government subsidies?! Disheartening, is it not.

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Comrade R.O.C.K. is definitely politically correct! Note that the BushHitler Mansion is flying the imperialist "Stars And Stripes" flag, which is clearly an insult to Struggling Masses Everywhere™.

[I can only hope that Dear Leader can soon avoid having to feign any kind of "salute" to this Imperialist Symbol Of Domination Of The World's Underserved. In fact, my our entire commune is hopeful that He will simply issue an Executive Order to replace this Rotting Symbol of World Domination™ with The Hammer And Sickle (but not just a copy of The Emblem Of The Motherland - maybe He can add some butterflies, or some polar bears from the endangered Arctic, or - dare we hope - His Own Heroic Visage to the New "American" Flag as a part of His Second Term (which cannot come soon enough.]

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Comrade Apparatchik (may I call you Comrade Appy?) - I humbly submit this design which is currently under consideration:


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Comrade ROCK,

Nice flag, but I think this is The One™ we will be flying in '12.


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Comrade Whinny. I must admit that one gloriously more equal star such as Dear Leader is progressively SO much more appropriate than fifty tiny meaningless little stars!

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Comrade Whinny, that flag is missing something. Oh! Yes! A Hammer and Sickle!!!


Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Zampolit Blokhayev wrote:Comrade Whinny, that flag is missing something. Oh! Yes! A Hammer and Sickle!!!

After Dear Leader (AP&PBUH) is unanimously re-elected to HIS glorious third term.

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote:
Zampolit Blokhayev wrote:Comrade Whinny, that flag is missing something. Oh! Yes! A Hammer and Sickle!!!

After Dear Leader (AP&PBUH) is unanimously re-elected to HIS glorious third term.

Quite right! We don't want to get ahead of ourselves. If we did, then our useful idiots in the state-run media (ABC, NBC, CNN and CBS) could catch on and then go all ballistic. That's because they KNOW that after the glorious Progressive New World of Next Tuesday™ arrives that the first ones to be put "up against the wall" are the useful idiots (like themselves). Freedom of the Press!!!! PUH-LEEZ!!! Who thought up such a silly concept in the first place?
