
Dear Leader FINALLY gets his recognition!

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A glorious day, comrades!

Dear Leader has finally been installed among the pantheon of our most Progressive thugs murderers noble Founders!! And the fact that this poster was designed by those Tea Party Patriots The Patriot Post teabagging scum from Iowa shows that even those lowly life forms are finally seeing what Dear Leader truly stands for.

Wouldn't this make a great replacement for that hideous Mount Rushmore?


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Glorious Comrade, a momentous, progressive idea. I only hope, fearless Leader was add facial hair, as our esteemed Comrades have.


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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Glorious Comrade, a momentous, progressive idea. I only hope, fearless Leader was add facial hair, as our esteemed Comrades have.

WHAT?! I was not of knowing that Tom Selleck is of Democratic Socialism! Brilliant!

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sssssh, Comrade Comrade.... I borrowed it from Mrs. Al Czarweary and am hoping she will not miss the plumage.


It almost makes me proud to be an Amerikkkan.