
Tweet 'em! Demand your free sex change operation now!

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Sandra Fluke, paragon of virtue, has called for unlimited birth control and free sex change operations for whomever feels the need to be re-assigned. Those who do not comply are deemed "heterosexist."

The wonderful thing is that if a woman re-assigns herself to male, she will no longer need birth control, thereby providing a powerful cost savings to the government, which Kathleen Sebelius finds very attractive about these mandated operations.

Contact the companies who boycotted Rush Limbaugh today, and demand your free sex change operation! These companies have to provide it for you, to prove that they are not hateful bigots like Rush Limbaugh - otherwise they are heterosexist companies who do not value the sexual identities of their employees.

How this works is, contact each company through their individual Twitter accounts. Twitter was an effective tool that allowed the proletariat unprecedented access to corporations, influencing them to drop Rush Limbaugh ads, so these companies will definitely be receptive to giving out free sex change operations upon request.

All you have to do is ask!


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Please make sure to have a condom on that inch you give Slut Sandra Fluke.

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Dear Carbonite,

Your recent display of intolerance has forced me to delete my billing information. When my contract ends, I will not be renewing.

I respect free speech and do not base my buying decisions on where a company advertises. But Carbonite has chosen to take a public, political stand which is diametrically opposed to my own. Therefore, I can not, in good conscience, continue doing business with your company.

I know you will understand my unwillingness to accept any apology you might offer.


I did my little part. Rush has posted an explanation as to how all this does not affect him. But I really could not continue doing business with Carbonite and feel right about it.

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I am surprised you could do business with any evil corporation. So imagine my shock at hearing you have done so in the past and are just now willing to cancel your association with said "Carbonite".

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Convenience often trumps purity.

Well we may be commies but we're not fools. We go where the getting is good.