
Feel me: Bernie directs to bern 'Bernie My Comrade' shirts

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After Liberty Maniacs posted this design for sale on shirts and coffee mugs, the Bernie Sanders Campaign felt it was too much of a "bern" and sent them a cease and desist order. The demand was reasonably polite and didn't even contain threats to send the Liberty Criminals and their families to the gulag, or to confiscate their production facilities (something we would have done).

Instead of immediately complying with the order, out of gratitude for being allowed to keep their freedom, the said Liberty Thoughtcriminals initiated a mocking exchange with the benevolent "Feel the Bern" lawyers. Furthermore, in a display of sheer online hooliganism, they posted this exchange on their blog, which has now been picked up by BuzzFeed.

As of now, Liberty Hooligans continue to generate capitalist profits with their criminal shirts and mugs, accompanied by this description:

With the lovable personality of a drowsy badger and the voice of a bullfrog, Bernie is your comrade in fighting the good fight against oligarchical imperialism, exploitative corporatism, economic logic, electoral probability, male pattern baldness, Clintonian coronation, and whatever other Sisyphean task you can shake your fist at.

This shirt includes a pantheon of socialist paladins just to confuse, fascinate, and cause the finger-wagging nitpicking partisan to hilariously instruct upon the proper definition of socialism while everyone within a five foot radius rolls their eyes in aversion.

This is why, comrades, we must selflessly struggle to elect Comrade Bernie. He will purge our society of all Liberty Miscreants, bringing us into The Glorious Next Tuesday We Can Believe In.

We also strongly advise that Bernie's lawyers apprehend and arrest the editors and cartoonists of the Chattanooga Times Free Press who have committed two (2!) copyright crimes at once by publishing this image:


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Bernie is my comrade.
I shall not want,
He maketh me more equal,
Because in the name of social justice,
Bernie shall redistribute the wealth of one percenters,
into my little red hands.

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Gee, that's not very democratic of Bernie.

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Biff Henderson... you are too modest, sir!


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socialize copy.jpg
When I May was asked why are you a Socialist she replied: Who doesn't like to socialize? Now quit being silly and spray me with your long, manly hose!

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Today, with the help of my friendly neighbor Ivan, we did an ice bucket challenge for THE CHILDREN

It was quite exciting!

Image .
You know you're gonna want Captain Craptek's Bernie flag some day...


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So, for Loony Bern there is not only too much of "dzye choys of smyell" ( © Comrade Irina ), there is also too much shirts and mugs !

Those unfamiliar with the Glorious Video-Labour of Gorgeous Comrade Irina Alexandrovevskivich go instantly to this barrack of the Kube GULAG !