
FORWARD! Vote Obama for Progress! VPERED!

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Excellent! Congratulations to Evil Smiley's unstoppable progress forward!

You are hereby awarded with the Obama Medal of Change. CLICK ON IT!


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I've always thought his middle name was "Insane", not "Hussein". Am I incorrect?

Is there anyone in the administration who is sane?

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" Administration " .......... 'atsa a good one !

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This page needs more arrows comrade. Here. I have made some for you.
Arrows are in all directions I can think of: forward, backward, leftward, and slightly diagonal but never rightward <spit> .

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Clearly the All Wise One and Constitutional Scholar was mis-quoted and the statement slanderously "spun" when it is presented as The Him saying that "democracy" requires a small "d." He did not say "lower case 'd,'" simply a small one, likely a small capital D, which would be wholly appropriate if the D were in the vicinity of His O, since Democracy becomes small in the presence of His Greatness. At least he is getting away from that whole misguided concept of a *spit* Constitutional Republic.

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Comrade Smiley,

You have captured Dear Leader in good company. The finger-pointing doesn't fall far from the ideology.