
George Washington, Slave owner, Lied to the French

POLL: Was George a Gay Slave Owning Global Warmer?

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Not only that, he SURRENDERED to the French...but made up later, thanks to the nudist Ben Franklin, debaucher of older women.

Lost battles...Long Island, Paoli Massacre, ...etc...

Owned slaves.

Always begging Congress for money to fight an illegal war!

Ruined a German Christmas at Trenton! Totally against the future Geneva Convention!

Hung Spies! Just because poor Andre was out of uniform and lied about his identity plus had plans to West Point.

Shot deserters in an illegal war!

I don't know about you but I just had some cherry pie and White House Ice Cream

Happy Washington's Birthday!


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He was a horrible, horrible man... probably a Angry White Christian Male on top of it too. Hmm, well maybe we can reduce his sentence after Her Excellency becomes Queen and tries the Founding Fathers for Crimes Against the International Community (the sentence reduction due in part for ruining Christmas for the Hessian mercenaries, ruining Christmas for anyone earns you instant brownie points) Still, all the other charges are high-crimes against progress and should be dealt with accordingly by the U.N and other progressive world-governing bodies, the E.U in particular. I'm sure they have complaints and will need reparations immediately in order to ease their collective suffering.

Say no to U.S sovereignty and submit to International Care-Givers, NOW! World peace will not ensue until American hegemony is suffocated! Ask yourself: What Would the Mime Do?

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What Would the Mime Do?

Or more importantly:


What do you think? Chop down trees, (especially fruit bearing cherry ones) creating climate change.
You know the old saying:
First in War
First in Peace
First in the hearts of the Global Warming Mongers!


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But he was sexually progressive, even with a from

Sunday, February 4, 2007
George Washington Was a Homosexual?
And there we have it...some love letters have been uncovered by historians in Paris that are the correspondance between George Washington and his lover, Guy Raffleur III, an eccentric in Southern France. The Leuvre's Office of Antiquated Items (L'Office du Materiales Antique) is currently holding the letters until further study can be done, but early findings are proving the letters to not only be completely genuine, but shocking in nature.

An excerpt reads:

From the depths of my heart, dearest friend; I live not for the setting sun, nor for the trickling water that abades my restlessness in the evenings. But for you I loathe the distance that divides us, that conquers our souls as though they were threshed wheat on a blustery plain; or a locked chest with naught but the treasures of islands lost. Dearest Guy, I wish for the day that we can retire in bliss in the hills of great lands and clutch each other as thieves clutch their gold. We will be Kings of the Universe and the creators of love.

Some of the letters are disturbing in their description of Washington's lovemaking. Le Louvre is intending to do a show in Paris over the next four years that will expose Washington as both a homosexual, but also that Guy Raffleur III was in control of much of America's political development

.....and I always thouth Guy Raffleur played for the Montreal Canadiens back in the 1970' me SMO....maybe it was Guy Lafleur?

Where's Commissar Theocritus? We need a qualfied opinion.

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:The REAL Washington! On the Right!


Thank you for pointing that out Laika. Where is the Comissar of Re-Edukation? We need to revise the history books again.

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You Capitalist tools would love to slander him with a label like "gay" when recent research indicates he was merely bi-curious.

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A History on George Washington and Same-Sex Sandwiches:

Same-Sex sandwiches were oppressed of course before 1676 in the era of Angry White Wonder Bread Oppression which was funded by Tomato Imperialist. In time the Bacon rose up and took arms against their Tomato oppressors who said that a marriage was only between a piece of Lettuce and a strip of Bacon, this was later known as Bacon's Rebellion and would pave the way for gay sandwich marriages. Events (supported by Party approved history) later would prove that Washington had a *huge* cultural impact on gay sandwiches in 1788 and came up the the GBLT to ease tensions in the gay sandwich community. Of course "GBLT" later became known as the "GLBT" in 1970 and that is what triggered the The Great Same-Sex Sandwich Protest of 1972 (the protest was later resolved by SubWay in '79 and was overseen by the Krispy-Kreme Coalition in '81).
