
Get your news from the People's Cube

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Are you tired of that same old or that Have Huffington Post seem so puffed out?

Well, here in the People's Cube news gets you. You cannot run away from the Red. {Really you can't}. We have massive news of Dear Leader and a few comrades in between to give you what everyone wants...... Communism and government. {What else do you really need? Tell me.} We are all equal under the government and if not, we shall be.

The People's Cube does not fool around with Socialism; that's for wannabes still wallowing in capitalist decadence. We don't just say we live in a communist world. We live in it.

[Prog off] It is dreadful. Horrible. I wished I was not here digging the..... [Prog on commanded by higher ups] wonderful beautiful beet irrigation systems where we also put our deep sleeping comrades in. We await for their awakening on Next Tuesday.

It is wonderful to get the news from our people. Not too long ago we used pigeon for communications and news effort, but now we have newest technology. I can still hear the beautiful voice of Commissarka Pinkie through the telephone wire.

The People's News, where Comrade Crapteck stores all the nuts and berries for the good of the People. Where we have our Comrade, Ivan the Stakhanovets, a fine distiller of beet vodka. Where else will you get news? Tell me now!

Forward to Next Tuesday!

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You are so Korrect Komrade!

Let us leave the weak kneed Liberals behind and embrace to true cause of our glorious existence:

The ultimate realization of the World of next Tuesday™ of Communistic utopia under the most benevolent and extraordinary tutelage of Komrade Marx.

We have no need of, or Puffington Host who cannot stomach being frank about our true purpose and objective – Transitory Socialism leading to a Communist paradise for the dumbmasses!

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Comrade Šterpin wrote:You are so Korrect Komrade!

Let us leave the weak kneed Liberals behind and embrace to true cause of our glorious existence:

The ultimate realization of the World of next Tuesday™ of Communistic utopia under the most benevolent and extraordinary tutelage of Komrade Marx.

We have no need of, or Puffington Host who cannot stomach being frank about our true purpose and objective – Transitory Socialism leading to a Communist paradise for the dumbmasses!
Agreed, Comrade Šterpin. It is time for our fellow travelers in state-run media to come out of the closet and proudly fly the red flag for all to see! FORWARD to the new Soviet-style utopia that will provide "common sense approaches," "income equality," "fairness," and "fair shares" for all!

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Does this mean an end to day dreaming? No more cover-ups? No more lying? Such a pity...

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Captain Craptek wrote:
Does this mean an end to day dreaming? No more cover-ups? No more lying? Such a pity...

We have done this before? I have not noticed.