
Glorious Leader Gives GOP the Finger!

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Greetings from the Gulag!

Comrades, did you see or hear dear Leaders speech yesterday? He was in the People's Republic of Iowa, still trying to convinceconvincing the idiots of the miraculous benefits of HIS ObamaCare.

Then he did something most remarkable! He gathered his balls courage and greatly mocked the Republicans, the condescending Amerikans and all the Obobo Obama haters, when he said with glorious utterances, "Now that we passed it, they're (the nasty Republipukes) already promising to repeal it. They're actually going to run on a platform of repeal in November. And my attitude is, go for it."

What a bold & brave statement! This is far superior to the "cowboying" Bushitler did, when he dared those poor, underprivileged, suffering, misunderstood Islamic terrorist freedom fighters, to "bring it on".

I am so proud of dear Leader that he is not stooping low and trying to reconcile with the people. Not showing weakness by trying to bring the country together! He is the Leader and he should squash all opposition, especially the Amerikans who don't agree with him! That is what his powerful office is for, is it not?

I feel a tear. . . I have such pride in his audacity of arrogance spunk!

Your gulag gal, Fraulein Pulloskies

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It is glorious to see the Dear Leader put Reactionary Republicans at the same level as Al Qaeda.

President Bush told Al Qaeda 'BRING IT ON' 2003.

President Obama tells Republicans 'BRING IT ON' 2010.

But, doesn't that reverse taunt show the Dear Leader to be sour over 2003?

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Dear comrade Jibaro ~ durst I suggest... and remind.... that the FEMA Enforcer have roaming, looming eyes? I'm not sure making any kind of suggestion of great Leaders souressness might "bring it on" in a differing manner. If ever Obomo Obama were "sour" I'm sure it would be called for. Perhaps 'sour' is the new 'amiable'? But in any case, it is a time of rejoying when Oboma gives the euphemistic finger to the teabagging Repubipukes!

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Our up and coming Fraulein hit the nail on the head. Dear Leader rose to the occasion by stiffening his resolve and ramming through this historic legislation. The thrust of his agender agenda has planted the seed of socialist change deep into the body politic.

Now the Republican's whine that the process left a bad taste in their mouth. Well they're just going to have to grin and swallow it.


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Well, said, dear comrade! Dear Leaders glorious 'package' is gloriously large and voluminous and no doubt, causes envy and angst amongst the envious and angstious Republipukes. Package envy is an ugly thing. I believe it was Rahm Rod Emanuel who coined that term, in the shower, with a lead pipe an iPod.

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Dear Leader gave me this finger. Doe's he like me more?


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You are most blessed and especially honored, comrade! That is the Official ObomaObama Salute. Lean it and lean it well!

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I sense trickery. That is the middle finger of a Ugandan, not a Kenyan. But as long as his birth certificate says he's Hawaiian, I'm willing to forego having my tongue cut out.

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Seriously? I thought perchance, a Ethiopian or maybe a Ubanmeubetchum finger, but now I'm wonder if he was truly saluting or just showing off something he found nestled in a nostril?

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Should not finger painting be red? Is blue color of momentary fashion? How to keep up with such changes?

Dear Leader rose to the occasion by stiffening his resolve and ramming through this historic legislation. The thrust of his agender agenda has planted the seed of socialist change deep into the body politic.

I am of trembling deep inside from robust package of Dear Leader! I am of great anticipation for what to next come and with most joy recite his new slogan, "Bring it on!"

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Seriously? I thought perchance, a Ethiopian or maybe a Ubanmeubetchum finger, but now I'm wonder if he was truly saluting or just showing off something he found nestled in a nostril?
Worse yet, it was the twisted limb of a disgraceful, disobedient citizen with cerebral palsy giving our Dear Leader the "thumbs down" sign.

I will check the re-education school rosters to see if a person fitting such a description was recently enrolled. If not, there will be hell to pay. Someone with cerebral palsy will pay!

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Mrs Al Czarweary wrote: I am of trembling deep inside from robust package of Dear Leader! I am of great anticipation for what to next come and with most joy recite his new slogan, "Bring it on!"

Just think how comrade Rahmie feels, being so close to packaged magnificent. It must be hard difficult, especially during those shower conservations.

Comrade Sam, please let us know your findings!

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:
Mrs Al Czarweary wrote: I am of trembling deep inside from robust package of Dear Leader! I am of great anticipation for what to next come and with most joy recite his new slogan, "Bring it on!"

Just think how comrade Rahmie feels, being so close to packaged magnificent. It must be hard difficult, especially during those shower conservations.

Comrade Sam, please let us know your findings!