
High Time for an Oath of Loyalty

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
It is about time for the congress to propose and pass the "The Allegiance of Civil Servants and Soldiers of the Armed Forces Act". If they lack the stones to make it happen now, it should be the top priority once they reconvene the “lame duck” session.

The present state of affairs within the ranks is appalling. First, we have General McCrystal's most traitorous behavior in Afghanistan, and now el Commandante of the Marine Corpse all but accuses the Dear Leader (pbuh) of granting aid and comfort to the enemy there. I now read of soldatensoldiers in Afghanistan whining about not having bullets! Are they not aware of Die Führer ‘sthe Dear Leader's new strategy of Compassionate Restraint? (“…One out of two gets a rifle. The one with the rifle shoots! The one without follows him! When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots!”)

If these anecdotes were not enough evidence of the troubles there are a phalanx of officers daring to question the massiah's creditials concerning his angelic birth and to be Die FührerCommander and Chief all supported by a growing number of retired officers such as Lt. Gen. Thomas G. McInerney (...granted he is a FoxNews contributer….need we say anymore about his “credentials” but...), who has filed a sworn affidavit that says the disclosure of Barack Obama's documentation proving his eligibility to be commander in chief is critical not just to the defense of an officer challenging the president's status, but to the preservation of the nation itself. Does not he know that the continued NON-disclosure of the Dear Leader's (pbuh) most intimate and private papers and his continued tenure as Die FührerCommander and Chief is ESSENTIAL to the preservation of the party nation itself?

It is evident that morale is at an all time low. The troops are not properly motivated. Presently, soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces have sworn loyalty to the Constitution…an out-moded document written too long ago on fading parchment by white, slave-mongering, misogynistic, kapitalist pigs using lots of xenophobically big English words (and not a Spanish or Arabic word in the whole damnable thing!) that no one outside of HHHaaaaH-Vaahd understands. Is it any wonder the morale in the ranks is at such an all time low? They require the inspiration of a living, breathing, dynamic Leader they can who can whip them to a frenzy with well teleprompted executed oration... Not some tattered bit of old newsprint not fit for cleansing Die Führerthe Dear Leader's (pbuh) nameless regions!

First, this legislation will supersede any original oaths previously taken. Second, it will institute a new and better oath meant to compel inspire the necessary blind obedience and confidence in civic leadership at this critical point in progressive hope-n-change for the greater good. Third, it will require various and sundry definitions of what may constitute an act of disobedience and the accompanying punishments that should accrue to such disobedience.

I propose the following drafts for consideration. Feedback from the Collective to either the oaths or the legislative text is welcome…we still have at least another 999 pages of filler to meet the required quota for proposed federale' legislation.

DISCLAIMER: Any similarities of the following loyalty oaths to other oaths past, present of future is purely coincidental.

Oath of Loyalty for Department of Defense uniformed personnel

"I swear by Allah this sacred oath that to the Leader of the American state and people, Barack Hussein Obama, supreme commander of the armed forces for life, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath."

Service oath for public servants

“I swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the American state and people for life, Barack Hussein Obama, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfill my official duties, so help me Allah!”

Other oaths for Union Laborers, Welfare Recipients and those wishing to access Public Option Medical Services are currently under consideration. Proposed drafts from among you all in the ProfessionalLeftTM are most welcome. We are also seeking photos of our professional babykillerssoldiers taking their new oath.

We are not bothering to institute a Loyalty Oath for private sektor employees for obvious reasons (there will not be any private sektor employees in a matter of a few more months).
There may exist a classified memorandum on the efficacy of such an oath in which White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has been quoted:

The President feels that the military has been too indoctrinated by the old harbingers of hate: nationalism, racism, and classism. By removing an oath to the American society, the soldiers are less likely to commit atrocities like those at Abu Ghraib,…We expect a lot of flak over this. But those that would be most against it are those looking either for attention or control.”

As allegedly stated by Robert Gibbs, some reactionary teabaggers will likely scream that this is a complete usurpation of unconstitutional powers. However, it will be useful for the ProfessionalLeft ™ to point out that the concept of a loyalty oath directly to the office of the President would be in keeping with earlier unconstitutional extraconstitutional necessary usurpations adjustments to our living, breathing constitution, most notably the issuance of executive orders, memorandums, proclamations, regulations and other flexing of presidential power.

Perhaps if the military wishes to balk at this, Die Führerthe Dear Leader can sweeten the pot by offering to back off his plans for a Domestic Security Apparatus to rival the size and power of the military and a promise to gut the SAACORN and SEIU.

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I agree, Comrade. And all school children should be forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance as we all did before starting the day's labor in the mines:

I pledge allegiance to Barack Obama and the Democrat Party of America
And screw the republic, we're in his hands, one mean nation under Obama
With liberty and justice for all that deserve same.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Opiate of the People wrote:I agree, Comrade. And all school children should be forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance as we all did before starting the day's labor in the mines:

I pledge allegiance to Barack Obama and the Democrat Party of America
And screw the republic, we're in his hands, one mean nation under Obama
With liberty and justice for all that deserve same.
Oooooo.... I LIKE it! One cannot forget the little parasitical carbon footprint extenders the little rug rats miniature household slave labor units "the childern" If I may provide some feedback for your consideration:

"I pledge allegiance to Barack Obama and the Democrat Party of America
And screw the republic, we're in hHis hands, one mean contrite and submissive nation under Obama With liberty [highlight=#ffffff]human rights[/highlight] and equal justice for all that deserve same

When mentioning Dear Leader, One should always capitalise His Pronoun. Contrite and sumbissive implies that we once were a mean nation; however, we are now shamefully penitent and awaiting guidance from our sinful ways. Submissive also hints that we are now under "islam" which means we "submit." Liberty is an out moded term that implies "Freedom" which we all know equates to slavery! Human rights, however, are 'positive' rights given BY the government which allow the government to do thingsto for you. The nice bit is that the government can always change what constitutes a "right" keeping them most progressive. Equal justice speaks of collective salvation...which, as all progressives know, speaks for itself.

Your thoughts, sir and/or madame. (One wishes to remain gender neutral in these things, you know.)