
Hillary has no problem with the FBI

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WASHINGTON, D.C.- The FBI reported Hillary Clinton is being investigated for passing out classified information through an unsafe server, allegedly. The FBI asks the DOJ to do a grand jury indictment for the Champ or they will quit. Well, we will see lots of jobs openings for the FBI.

Yes sir, President Obama is not interested in Hillary's emails and scandals. Hillary did not blackmail Obama. He just does not want to go through the process of getting her in jail; besides, he is trying to get a jail free society. No one needs to go to jail or be punished for a long time. It creates a hostile atmosphere.

Vacation plans are coming for the Clintons. The Champ wants to make it a secret and the location a secret as well. We all know it will not be in the United States.

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Maybe Hillary will volunteer to spend her next vacation in prison where she can offer the inmates post-graduate courses in:

1) Simple Ways to Avoid Indictments (distance learning course)
2) Running a Money Laundering Scam the Safe Way
3) Shyster Lawyering Techniques (Advanced Pettifogging)
4) The Pro's and Con's of Surgical Smile Implants
5) Etc.,

Ah, but does the FBI have a problem with Hillary?

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Um, comrades, I think there's a very important reason Hillary doesn't have a problem with the Female Body Inspectors. I think it has to do with the first word of the acronym.

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Lev Termen wrote:Ah, but does the FBI have a problem with Hillary?

Yeah, of course they do, Lev! But, will they have the cojones to put this forth? Your guess is as good as mine.