
Huey Long - A Fister of Distinction

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In the coming months, we will all need to brush up on our fisting skills. Take a look at Comrade Huey Long. No one could fist better than Huey. He is a fister of distinction.

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This truly insTirational fisting makes me long for the days of honesty in political discourse. Comrade Long is missed and we must hope that our justly crowned hero of the war on terrible, Dear Leader, can again pull it over the middle wing flock without alienating the masses of sheep already voting for a living. I only wish someone had thought to freeze Huey Long so that he could have been reanimated and brought into the battle for 2012. His message surely lives on in spirit.

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Good old Huey, he was a Democrat's Democrat.

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my my my, he does have a way with fist, does he not?!

What a manly man. This is what our dear Leader should emulate. . . he could practice his technique on Pres. MO, so when he is ready to debate these (umm, what did the Memo Update say???) "no nothing, lazy, wanting to kill the old persons" Rethuglican candidate, he will have the best fisting.

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Did you notice how the narrator in the background referred to him as humorous? Ha Ha. He's so humorous, especially when he thrusts his fist into the air (SEIU members, take note). Of course, one must be a made progressive to see the humor in him. Ha ha, funny, funny Huey Long. He was a regular ape-like primitive Jackie Gleason. I didn't realize Ken Burns with the help of the People's Broadcasting System had brought him to the stature he deserves, a hero to all progressives. He must be given at least 3 pages in all USSA history textbooks. Gotta love Ken Burns--first you rope the masses in with a documentary on the civil war, to appeal to the masses, and then you make propaganda films to get your progressive messages into the brains of all the little school children. He made it for the teachers and for the children.

Oh, and I'll make sure to add this video to Comrade Red Square's Fister Collection.

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here's another one for the colection, comrades. People's Republic of Wiskonsin announces the new state motto: "Fistward!"


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Comrade Red Menace,

The red star next to Madison is a nice touch. After all, Madison is the most progressive place to send children for purposes of indoctrination.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Red Menace wrote:here's another one for the colection, comrades. People's Republic of Wiskonsin announces the new state motto: "Fistward!"


One will note that it is a LEFT fist as well...

Most appropro...

A point of order; however. The upper peninsula of the Islamic Republik of Michigan is inappropriately labeled.

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I knew there was a reason they were nationalizing more and more Detroit properties. It was to create an Islamic Fiefdom.

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Thank you Leninka. It's about time someone recognized the unsung hero of the Communist movement in the USSA. It's such a shame that Comrade Long was assassinated before he could complete his great works.

Comrade Ken Burns, is another matter. The "Ken Burns Effect" is indescribable. It must be experienced to be believed. Here's a demonstration of his brilliance:

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Push rewind

Thanks Grigori, most instructive

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Wow, I'm totally in awe of Ken Burns. The Ken Burns effect will continue to reverberate through infinity.