
I Denounce Commissar Theocritus!

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Ah HA! Minature Mousey-Tounges cleverly disguised as possible puppies... very clever kitty, very clever! Thank you for the picture of your cloning facility, you have saved some added stress on my tinfoil hat.

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And just why is the Commissarka trying to push this projection of Pup as Jodin Morey? Hmmmm... so interesting the way she hides the secrets she knows and then reflects them upon poor, poor, Marshal Pupovich, how very progressive Commissarka, you should be commended!


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I notice that the puppies are all lying there with their privates on the floor, their snouts feeding in dishes. Yes, I'd say cloned progs.

And, RR, I'm going to denounce you. Here you are, when I"m trying to get Jodin Morey liquored up enough to try to mate with Janeane Garafolo to make the Prog Who Will Come. Again.

I kept pouring Marker's Mark down Jodin's throat, heedless of the cost, hoping for the Prog Who Will Come. And guess what?

<i>Jodin thought I was coming onto him!</i>.

I am now a member of Ex-Gay.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:What front lines were you on, Pupovich? Certainly not the front lines of the Cube's Troll Expeditionary Corps?

Just how high is your current beet vodka ration these days Kommissarka? Again, questions I have already answered. My front line work has been on the [email protected], the Office of Homeland Security, the White House of course, and even the latest Get the "Facts" out web page of the Obama. I have been denouncing right wing extremists there on many occasions, and of course these reports to the White House will always be on the record, they can not be law be deleted. I did confess that perhaps I was lapse in not copying my reports to paste here, which I will try to do better in the future.

Image Trust me Kommissarka, if you saw the emails I have sent to these sites, you would conclude I was indeed crazy. For I have been most forthcoming in expressing EXACTLY what I think of the socialists and traitors that now have the reins of power in this country. I half expect to hear from the Secret Service or HS at some point. Sometimes I think my aim is to be the first in my neighborhood to be arrested as a political prisoner.... I would consider it an honor to be recognized as an enemy of Obama. I am. To me, this is more to the point than expressing my revulsion with the minnows that are the IFP blogs et al. I am going at "higher pay grades." My stomach simply turns in revulsion when I see where we are as a country, and my complete lack of faith of any substantial change to ever take place through the ballot box any more. Secession any one?

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Red Rooster wrote:And just why is the Commissarka trying to push this projection of Pup as Jodin Morey? Hmmmm... so interesting the way she hides the secrets she knows and then reflects them upon poor, poor, Marshal Pupovich, how very progressive Commissarka, you should be commended!

Now that is an interesting picture indeed Comrade Red Rooster! And it is clearly an un-doctored one unlike those others. Just what sort of lens and shutter speed did you use?

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All very suspect...the photos, that is. Photoshop used to provide user training...

I am more persuaded by Pinky's and Theocritus' conclusions. The pup is rolling over, thinking we will scratch his tummy again and he will live to be promoted again another day.

I will be investigating a curious influx of Hummel auctions on e-bay eminanting from Louisiana. A most interesting development indeed...

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Pupovich, I explained that to you. Look above. I really did. Don't you get it? I was chatting up Jodin so that he would make the Prog who will come. With of course Janeane Gawdawfulo.

I am going to have a talk with Red Rooster. Why is he tailing me, when I'm on the people's business? Everyone here needs to know that I am for the People 24/7.

Just because Jodin Morey cocks his head perkily and just because his features are regular <i>does not mean anything</i>. Got it?

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:
Red Rooster wrote:And just why is the Commissarka trying to push this projection of Pup as Jodin Morey? Hmmmm... so interesting the way she hides the secrets she knows and then reflects them upon poor, poor, Marshal Pupovich, how very progressive Commissarka, you should be commended!

Now that is an interesting picture indeed Comrade Red Rooster! And it is clearly an un-doctored one unlike those others. Just what sort of lens and shutter speed did you use?

Oh, it wasn't me Marshal Sir, I had Agent Gorleftik tailing the Commissarka when some strange call came across the wire to The Wombat Factory about a possible rendezvou with you know who.

I'm still trying kick the crap out of get all the information from the agent. As I beat the shit out of him question him, all he can keep mumbling is "moooouuuufffeeyy-tuuuuugggfffff", I'm still trying to figure out what this means?...

I do wonder about the Commissars involvement here, he does appear rather perturbed and stiff. Almost like someones hand is up his you-know-what, but I refuse to believe such things about our Dear Friend Commissar Theocritus, after all he has done such wonders for The Party(TM) and for The Children(TM).

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RR, if you're talking about people who have hands up their asses, let me refer you to Dear O'Leader, who by now feels quite empty with Nansky's hand scratching her nose instead of his gall bladder.

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Red Rooster

Strange things have been happening around my place also. Last night my dog "snookums" was doing his thing in the yard. When he returned I found this!!! An obvious warning to me.


Who could be behind these nefarious deeds!!!!!

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What is that Snoogie? A "present"? I would be very leary, there is something catty going on in the collective, it is most suspicious indeed.

Once I properly kick the living mufkn crap question the agent, we may have more to go on, but until then it's all up in the air! (or up you-know-where).

What's that Commissar? Meow? Hmmmmm....

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Is that the Mime? I have only one recollection of him, with a full beard, barking like fat, spoiled chihuahua on YouTube when we were so, er, <i>supportive</i> of him that he removed his video.

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Yes, Theocritus, that is he. And not only that, but Rooster has superimposed my head upon the low hanging boobed torso of Cindy Sheehan.

Makes me feel like The Fly. Help me! Help mee-ee!

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Pinkie, meet me in Albuquerque and we'll visit some rough justice on dear Red Rooster.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Pinkie, meet me in Albuquerque and we'll visit some rough justice on dear Red Rooster.

Indeed. Rough justice is warranted in this case. And that's just-the-way, ah-hah, ah-hah, we like it!

Allow me to remind my esteemed colleagues we WERE TALKING ABOUT PUPOVICH ON A STICK! He cannot be allowed to roll over, get his tummy scratched and shuffle away while we discuss mimes and misdemeneaors.

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I welcome you all! Please, MAKE MY DAY!

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Red, Marshall,

Don't worry about the feline faction and their human allies plots. I have set the trap in San Diego, that they won't be able to resist before they go to Albuquerque. Once on-board we can administer a little rough justice on them ourselves. Ever hear of Keel-hauling?


Psst.......You still got that map that shows where that great white shark was hanging out last?

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Snoogie! Yes I still have the map. And thanks for getting the crew ready! What is that, tuna?

If superimposition is good enough for the Jerk Chicken Czar, it's good enough for the rest of these progs...


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Snoogie, if I ate fish, do you think that I'd have Bruno?

Hmmm. Considering how long I've been listening to "Tico Tico" I may need to do some serious thinking.

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Yes, Commissar and before you put up with one more whaling of "Tico Tico", think about this...

something very suspicious here....

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It's too bad you might not fall for our trap invite. I guess I'll just have to put this fish inspired gown I had made for Bruno back in the closet. That is of course after Bruno and your feline fiends friends in the collective might have a little change of heart after seeing this.

Red.....Pssst........ I told you I had a plan "B" if he used the Bruno excuse!!!!!!!!! Also have to report the microphone we planted by Mousy's H.Q has been picking up increased drooling noises since my post of the boat.

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Comrades! Why are we doing all this internecine warfare? We are supposed to be liberating other people's money and other people's freedoms. Things that they have no use for, even if they don't know it yet.

And as for dresses for Bruno--that could be thread, you know and nearly was--what really does it matter? If Bruno weren't light in the loafers he could be a halfback for the Dallas Cowboys. When Our Many Titted Empress comes round and gets drunk on Bloody Marys, made with the blood of virgin Rethuglican girls, the first thing that she does, after of course putting divots in the terrazzo of the Rancho's floors, is jump on him and whip and ride him like a rented mule.

He has to be big to support her ginormous ass.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Comrades! Why are we doing all this internecine warfare? We are supposed to be liberating other people's money and other people's freedoms. Things that they have no use for, even if they don't know it


Internecine warfare? I suggest you might dis-avow your favorite long song before you go down that road.

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S-W. that touched me deeply. What could be dearer than a song about cat shit?

As it happens Nansky here at the Rancho and she cawed, "Awk! Awk! Eek! Eek! Tookie! Tookie!" and told me how much she likes shitting. It brought tears to my eyes. She told me that she has had her 737s modified so that her shit falls directly onto the people that she's flying over, which gives a new definition to "talent shitting."

So bring on the songs about shit. After all, this is the Congress for it.

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There seems to be no coherence or cohesion in the Collective. Fish guts and Nancy struts. Bruno's dresses and MTE messes. I will turn to my Special Mousey Recipie catnip to provide me the inner awareness to become one with the glorious world of Next Tuesday.


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General, that picture seems wonderfully suited to bring in some of the left-over sixties detritus flower children in San Francisco.

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I just puked and it looked just like that! What a coincidence!

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Get. . . kitty. . .food. . . ignore family dog. . .

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Commissar_Elliott wrote:Get. . . kitty. . .food. . . ignore family dog. . .

Yesss...Commmmissssar Ellllliottttt...seeeeeafoooood....mussstt beee seeeeeeafooooood...

(What the hell happened here? Pupovich was writhing in the strong grip of reason, and has rolled over and run off again, tounge hanging out, looking for a pile of poop to sniff or a bitch to bang or some trash to rummage through. Talk about nine lives, this pooch has spies throughout the collective watching his back, cleaning his dirty paws, and scooping his poopy-poop. Most impressive.)

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General Mousey-Tongue wrote:(What the hell happened here? Pupovich was writhing in the strong grip of reason....

As always General Cat..... as a more equal Inner Circle member, I know better than others and so am guided by reason, good taste, or the sweet smell of OPM in all my efforts For the Common Good™. I am in the strong grip of reason, the sweet mouth of socialism, the cramp of OPM....

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Ich must denounce zie denouncing as it zeems zie denouncers are doing eet in a kompetitive manner. Vee have vays of dealing vit zie unequals. Vie must distribute zie posting points amongst all.

Alles klar, mein kameraden?