
Vice Grand Judge Janet hands a score for Strip Down Protest

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After Vice Grand Judge Janet made her remarks on hot mic, the protest turned the lethargic audience into vivacious group.

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The kinky protest took much interest from the Regents as well as the Vice Grand Judge Janet. The Judge was so thrilled to see such hullabaloo in her presence she scored it a crap for such effort.

It must be tiring for the judge to sit in front of all of the people and listen to them so she asked that they recess for indefinite amount of time to recharge and recuperate. The Judge had unfinished business after the meeting and it was getting late.

There will be another meeting. but this will not be open to the public. It will be only for the selected since some sensitive information will be passed around. We cannot have an interference from the Rethugicans and Teabaggers.


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Gee, if only these unthinking students would provide these poor, unfortunate Guardians of Tomorrow with the hostility-free "safe space" that their Komrades at Brown Stain University are getting. Didn't any of these UC protesters stop to think about giving a Trigger Warning first, to make sure any of the Regents weren't going to experience horrific emotional trauma from their attempts to idea-rape these elderly people? That's just ageist, counter-revolutionary, and unacceptable. Too bad that East Coast progressives get "safe spaces" with pillows and videos of puppies, and Left Coast progs only get non-heteronormatively-attractive people in their underwear screaming at them. I guess that's just the San Francisco way, though - there's always some semi-naked crazy person to yell at you.