
Jiffy-Lobo Reinforcement Update

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Dear Loyal Comrades, Elites and lowly proles:

I am forced to make this mandatory updated for the purpose of clarifying your thinking.

We have had some misinterpretations of our Union comrades and the racist on the right. Please take notes so this confusion is unconfused.



These are photos of our loyal Union comrades who are merely having their constitutionally guaranteed (spit) freedom of speech:

tea party1.jpg

tea party2.jpg
tea party.jpg

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Thank you for shedding some light on this issue, media coverage has been all over the map! The signs would be easier to read if they were in English or the people showing them were not victims of Pubic Edumaxation.

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Second photo causes heartwarming and progressive leg tingling. Observing person of colors, clearly refugee from tea-baggers, and sympathizers arguing over who shall be first to sharing beverages with victim of Republikkan oppression!

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Tovarichi wrote:Second photo causes heartwarming and progressive leg tingling. Observing person of colors, clearly refugee from tea-baggers, and sympathizers arguing over who shall be first to sharing beverages with victim of Republikkan oppression!

Clearly, you have the clear thinking of Jiffy-Lobo clarifying thoughts running amuck in your head, which make the Peoples Cube Proud ™ . If you have leg tingling I am thinking you have Chrisy Matthews leg as body appendage or you are having nightmares... daydreams of dear Leader.


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I think your excellent presentation needs some pictoral evidence of the photographic kind depicting evil Rethuglicans killing women and grandmothers and preventing pregnant womyn from having abortions unless they don't want them, in which case they force them TO have abortions. I know that these things are happening in Amerikka because Nanski Pelosi told me so and she never lies to me unless it is for the common good.

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Judge Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Clearly, you have the clear thinking of Jiffy-Lobo clarifying thoughts running amuck in your head, which make the Peoples Cube Proud ™
And great with proudness you may be! I am preferred customer at local Jiffy Lobo; only two more visits until free plastic caviar spoon! Image

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ah ha, you fell for that "free plastic caviar spoon" ad, did you? Well, there is a price attached. This is part of dear Leaders Redistribution of American Monies Abroad Plan ™ and the real prices is $139.89 (but that includes 2 spoons). Said plastics are made in China, shipped to Mexico, then to Brazil & Venezuela after passing through Iran & Egypt, before finally landing in California, where they are shipped by overnight express on Obama's Slow Highspeed ™ Rail to NY state and beyond.
Expect the spoon(s) and the bill within 6 to 48 mo. Enjoy!

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But I have 8 punches in card! This is Amerikka! Free is FREE! Paid for by Republikkan Greed! Has Polibureau told me a falsehood? Not all is as described? This is not right.

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Tovarichi wrote:.... This is not right.

no, it is Left!!!, which is Center. We are proud Centrist, who represent those on the Left and drag those in the middle to the left (that is what the Memo said and I am sticking to it. "No complaining allowed" paragraph 398, pg. 2,739)

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Thanks for the clarification Comrade Judge. The masses need those gentle reminders.

Tea Party = Evil
Unions = Good
Quit your complaining Comrade Tovarichi. You have your free cell phone (Obama Phone) and free minutes, right? You must be patient. When Next Tuesday comes, so will all the freebies and goodies.

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Judge Fraulein Pulloskies wrote: no, it is Left!!!, which is Center. We are proud Centrist, who represent those on the Left and drag those in the middle to the left.
Hereby am I thanking you Fraulein Judge for your always clarifyings. And also Comrade Grigori.

We must do our part(s) to educate masses that, while all directions are equal, left is more central than right.

Left is right, and right is wrong, comrades. Keep proclaiming Truth™, until Next Tuesday makes mute point.

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So much is uncertain, clearly I must return to Jiffy Lobo for a Deluxe. This will work to my benefit as it's double punches on Tuesday...I will be eligible for Caviar Spoon by SUNDOWN!

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New Comrade Tovarichi, you are in luck. I just happen to have a copy of the Deluxe Addition. You may have use of it for Free. (with a slight carrying charge ™ of $24.95 to be left on my door stoop by 9 am.) Enjoy!

comm bk.jpg

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I just hope those meek quiet Union thugs and their anarchist friends don't get caught up in some Tea Party riot.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:I just hope those meek quiet Union thugs and their anarchist friends don't get caught up in some Tea Party riot.

Comrade, even with that ax sticking out of your head, you have clarity of thinking. This is the hope of us all, especially in light of factual evidentiaries of the violent teabaggers.

Here are young hooligans, plotting the down falling of dear Leader. Just see the evil in their eyes. as they watch and wait for a peaceful Union activist. spit


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Are those "girl scouts", Judge Fraulein? If they are, they better NOT be selling cookies that aren't approved and inspected by MOO-shelle!!!

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Corporeal Whinny wrote:Are those "girl scouts", Judge Fraulein? If they are, they better NOT be selling cookies that aren't approved and inspected by MOO-shelle!!!

Can you spot the 'mixed messages' between JOSHUA's Blog Post and Sarah Marie's last comment on it? All I got out of it was The TRAIN and Standing Around while it moved! ... couts.html

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I think the girls look really cute in their blue vests. Reminds me of the The Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM). It was the separate girls units of the Hitler Youth.


I can't wait to see the new uniforms the Obama Girl Scouts will be wearing.

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Poor misguided childrens, forced into kapitalism so young. Where are their state appointed guardians? Who protects these children from red-haired Republikkan I see holding a gun to their heads from behind?

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Grigori E.R. wrote:I can't wait to see the new uniforms the Obama Girl Scouts will be wearing.
Imagesomething along this theme, no doubt

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I believe, comrades, that you are referring to the Obama Grrrl Scouts™ (OGS™). While equal with the MaleScouts™, they are infinitely more equal.

Tovarichi, is a most excellent LGBT-Shirt design upon which I am most complimenting!

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These are OGS??? *&%$#! I was told these were reichwinger teabaggers, gathering and plotting to protest our glorious Union comrades! WHO SENT OUT THAT MEMO AND PHOTO??

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Comrade Judge Frau said;"[highlight=#ffff99]I was told these were reichwinger teabaggers, gathering and plotting to protest our glorious Union comrades![/highlight]"

I believed the blue vested girls to be reichwingers. That's why I referenced the BDM. No, the OGS will be nothing of the sort. They will proudly march across the Reich Obama Land in their sweet little blue uniforms and proclaim the will of the people. The FLOTUS has spoken. The way to combat childhood obesity is through the glory of public service to the Reich USSA.

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Blue-vestites, sponsored by Planned Parenthood...

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I maintain it's got nothing more to do than with camp fires and camp fire songs.... all are equal, left/right, boy/man... all are equal in The Party ™ Image !!!!! ... re=related

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Tovarichi wrote:
Grigori E.R. wrote:I can't wait to see the new uniforms the Obama Girl Scouts will be wearing.
Imagesomething along this theme, no doubt

Maybe Dear Leader's legacy could be the creation of young "Obamaneers" like Comrade Mao's Young Pioneers.

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The young "Obamaneers". That's got a nice ring to it Leninka. Reminds me of young buccaneers, robbing the rich and distributing their wealth. Ooo, ooo and the skull and crossbones will be a perfect insignia.

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Thank you. There's no need to change the school uniforms, either. We could recycling the red scarf and white shirt. And I hope they instill the mindset in all Obamaneers that when they grow up they will be paying higher social security taxes so that I can have a cush retirement.

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Leninka, I had a vision of Young Obamaneers singing "The Future Belongs To Me" as they threw grandma onto a bonfire of burning books.

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That sounds lovely. I hope your vision has plenty of burning Bush books.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Leninka, I had a vision of Young Obamaneers singing "The Future Belongs To Me" as they threw grandma onto a bonfire of burning books.

Nice to know the ice axe has no affect on your vision of past, present and future Most Higher Equal Komrade.
Picture 74.jpg