
Joe Biden's Point-Your-Shotun Theory Put to the Test

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Joe Biden's Point-Your-Shotgun Theory Put to the Test:

Video shows victim passing Universal Check for Stones by taking shotgun from attacker.


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The guy foiling his attacker is obviously a racist. He's deprived that poor, underprivileged, amateur robber of his sole means of supporting his family. (That is a clever way to get a free shotgun, though, without having even having to pass a background check.)

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Shocking. Simply shocking.

This poor minority member of society was doing nothing other than trying to provide for his family - in much the same way that our Dear Leader Barackzebub Husseinovich Obama provides for his - and, as Comrade Geoff so rightly stated, he had his primary means of supporting his 17 children by 17 different mothers taken away by this white racist!

And not only that - a simple shotgun, much like what our Vice Clownident uses his very own self, has now become an Assault Weapon, in the hands of a domestic terrorist!!

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geoff wrote:The guy foiling his attacker is [demonstrating] ... a clever way to get a free shotgun ... without having even having to pass a background check.)

Re your observation: IMMSCOMLS*


*It Made Me Spit Coffee Onto My Laptop Screen


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geoff wrote:The guy foiling his attacker is obviously a racist. He's deprived that poor, underprivileged, amateur robber of his sole means of supporting his family. (That is a clever way to get a free shotgun, though, without having even having to pass a background check.)

Comrade geoff,

But I'm sure the new comprehensive gun safely laws will stop future theft of a perp's property...won't it?