
John Boehner - A Uterin Interloper

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Fellow Communist, Abortion Hobbyist and Stamp Collectors!

A lesser Progressive website that shall go unnamed brings news of what we've known all along.
An unholy alliance between GOP elitist John Boehner and crazed pro-life terrorist Randall Terry!

Forced Birthers.jpg
BLAH, BLAH snip - Now, apparently seeking to flesh out the GOP's social agenda, Boehner has invited another influential voice to the table: the far right Christian activist Randall Terry. As the founder of the extremist, pro-life group Operation Rescue, Terry turned rabid fanaticism into a high-profile career. Known for his outlandish antics and incendiary rhetoric, Terry earns the scorn of most respectable lawmakers.
Comrade Gray adds:
Randall Terry isn't just a "far right Christian activist." He founded Operation Rescue, the forced birth organization that terrorizes women and doctors at women's health clinics. It's also the organization that provided information to Scott Roeder, the man who murdered Dr. George Tiller. Even Operation Rescue has cut its ties to Terry because he's too extreme.
Forced Birth Organization™ indeed!

Imagine expecting our poor, down-trodden woman types to actually give birth after being impregnated! AAAKK! How were they to know pregnancy could be the result of the ugly bumpins'?

Is it not up to the federal taxpayer to absolve urban serfdom of irresponsible, reckless behavior?

I'm just filled with joy that the maniacal right wings association to radical terrorist is being exposed.

Smarten up people! Follow us to Utopia!

NOTE- Van Jones, William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and Daffy Duck could not be reached for comment.

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His last name is pronounced Boner, to reflect the majority content of his skull.

Although the Redumblicretins thought they won the last election, all the stage did was change horses. The "new" leader of the house is one of our operatives who will march progressively onwards to the wonderful world of next Tuesday..

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"[highlight=#ffff99]Everyone...hug your uterus![/highlight]"

That's soooooo sweet!

We need to increase our numbers and as such "We the Government" should control the decision of all women to have or not have children. It should be mandatory that all good Democratic/Socialist women produce as many children as possible.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Everyone...hug your uterus!

hug your uterus.jpg
Do you have one of her hugging her bowel?