
Join Our Gun Tolerance and Awareness Workshop

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Comrades, after YEARS of trying to talk about gun rights to Liberals, The People's Cube has given me the answer! After reading Laika's transmissions on the right side of the page, I found "Liberal groups join gun tolerance and awareness workshops." With that glorious revolutionary inspiration, I proceeded to announce my new workshops for the Olympia Collective.

Topics include:

  • Assault Rifles: Embrace diversity of cultural opinions on modern day combat weapons.
  • High powered scoped rifles: Sniper is a term with many negative connotations. Experience the unique abilities of these misunderstood firearms.
  • Handguns: Why the cultural stereotypes imposed upon us by Hollywood and the mainstream media are faulty.
  • Shotguns: Explore the incredible world of guns used for everything from recreation to personal defense. Perhaps one of the most diverse and unique weapons you will encounter.

Also workshops on understanding your neighborhood gun owner, and why terms like "gun nut" or "crazy redneck" are hurtful and rooted in misunderstanding and cultural intolerance.

Perhaps after I have some People's Brew with my Snake Oil ration in the morning I will be even more inspired.

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What a GLORIOUS way to use Progressive "logic," Comrade Obamissar. Perhaps we need to help people understand how hard the lives of those making over 200,000 CEUs a year are. That way we can better tolerate and understand them.

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Er, just why should progressives support any sort of gun ownership, except in the hands of Red Star's goons? After all, if the sheeple are armed they might fight back. For we've not bred them, yet, to be completely passive.

When they are completely passive we can just make funny faces at them and they'll do what we want. And for really heinous crimes like thinking for themselves, we show them a video of Minnesota Mikael Moonbat barking like a poodle, which will scare them all back into line.

But they have to be completely stupefied of course, for even a kitten would laugh at him.

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I'm quite partial toward my Glock, so as a Big Mighty "real" Commissar, I'll be keeping it.

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Of course, V, of course you'll keep your Glock. Until the Sheeple are all the <a href="">Eloi</a>. Then you won't need the Glock. You'll just need a picture of Rosie O'Donnell to have them running in terror.

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As long as these subversive types continue to have their "tea" parties you must stay armed. We have to find a way to demonize them. Perhaps we should link tea to global warming and then investigate Big Tea and the money that they are funneling to these groups. Then we can have Lipton and other Big Tea executives testify on Capitol Hill about their support of these groups and why their top brass accepted bonus money while the economy is in ruins.

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Comrade Commissar,

Yes, the Eloi. The TimeTraveler was not very Progressive, and therefore must be stricken from the record. His use of matches to blind the Morlocks let Carbon into the atmosphere, and I ain't down with that. Though, eating Sheeple sounds like a worthy occupation, as Weena sounded hott, and eating them reduces their carbon output, thus saving the world.

Comrade Red Jim,

I believe we could get Comrade Sharpton to determine that promotion practices at Stash are racist and do not allow enough minorities into upper management. They must employ politically correct percentages at the top.

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Commissar, comrade Sharpton does need the stimulus.

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Gentle Comrades, when I think of Sharpton and Stimulus in the same minute all I can see is a cattle prod. Is there something wrong with me?

Vodkavich, I had forgotten about using matches to blind the Morlocks. (If you do linguistic regression you find that Morlock regressed is Michael Moore.) Not only was that releasing carbon into the air, but it was releasing <i>sulphur</i> and isn't that acid rain? Or is that too eighties? We have to get our scares right you know to keep credibility.

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I just added a picture and a bit of formatting to the original post, and changed the title to "Join Our Gun Tolerance and Awareness Workshop."

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Red Square wrote:I just added a picture and a bit of formatting to the original post, and changed the title to "Join Our Gun Tolerance and Awareness Workshop."

Ahh I am favored by your presence Dear Leader Red Square. Once again you prove the value and power of The Cube.

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Comrade Red Square's picture is delicious! I like the bloated skank holding the gat like she has no idea what it is most of all. Now the Obamissar of People's Rifles can have these reproduced at a KKKapitalist KKKinkos and attach them to the poor and downtrodden bodies of dead trees otherwise known as "telephone poles" all around the Collective of Olympia.

Comrade Commissar Theocritus,

Acid rain is indeed too 80s. I remember my mother, as she was driving our delightful Datsun truck, attempting to indoctrinate me after I asked what acid rain was. "Well, when we burn things like gas and chemicals it goes into the air and when it mixes with the rain it hurts things." I was afraid that rain would melt my clothes off for a couple weeks after that until I saw it was complete bullshit. Perhaps we should implore The Holy Goracle to bring awareness back to acid rain.

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My glorious revolutionary workshops have received astounding silence from the progressives and fraternal socialist allies of the Olympia Collective. Perhaps the word "guns" is still too vilified for them to open their hearts and minds to this campaign?

I am searching now for alternative words, one that the left will embrace.

"People's Empowerment Tools." "Snuggy wuggies". "Equalizing and empowerment devices." "Lead redistribution devices." "People's Projectile Launching Devices." "Personal liberation tools."

Perhaps one of these terms will work better than the feared "guns."

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Of course, V, of course you'll keep your Glock. Until the Sheeple are all the <a href="">Eloi</a>. Then you won't need the Glock. You'll just need a picture of Rosie O'Donnell to have them running in terror.

Normally I would denounce you for mentioning Rosie O'Donnell, but I used up all my denouncement credits for the month on Pinkie, so I must wait until I get more, or can redistribute some my way.

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7.62, Rosie is a true comrade, and an equal of 3M--Mikael the Minnesota Moonbat. Rosie is a fountain of lapidary though: 9/11 didn't happen because steel doesn't melt. I wanted to ask her if it was mined and cut by little gnomes in Amsterdam.

I saw her on Paula Deen's show, <i>Paula's Party</i>, for just a little bit. Paula also had on Suze Ormand once. And entire feedlot was depopulated for that show.

But there were rewards. Paula is known for loving butter, and who doesn't? She was laughing at herself for her tendency to add in a stick of butter and hauled on, before an adoring audience, the Butter Boys, with a huge #50 block of butter. And she made comments about these strapping young musclemen hauling her butter.

When I could see that behind the set they were hauling each other's butter.

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Arms in the hands of Proles, they will hurt themselves. Yes the average Prole can not handle a firearm with out putting an eye out or something. Did anyone ever see the old movie reefer madness, we at the “Theocritus Memorial Hemlock Institute for advanced studies” (Funded by all the anti freedom groups world wide) have studied this closely. We give someone a firearm and they immediately go on a killing spree. Yes people are such children; you can not give them sharp knives ether. My Goons Highly trained troopers even have to be watched closely. Some I will not give ammunition to.

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality INC
Director of Kicking doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

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Red Star, you have twigged me to an idea. I know that your goons, er, highly grained troopers need constant training as any of the People's Liberators do. Why not have them conduct exercises against each other and load only the guns of the ones that you want to keep? From your description they are not terribly swift on the uptake; if you tell them, "Make it realistic. When that paint ball hits you, lie down and pretend to die and don't breathe."

And give real guns to the ones you want to keep.

We could also do this to the geezers. When we socialize medicine costs will be contained by rationing, like every other nation with socialized medicine. If you're in Holland and over 65 you don't get heart surgery. Period. Well, people are living longer.

We can either get the geezers addicted to smokes and booze, for that actuarily cuts down on costs, hospitalization being cheaper than living payments, or we can just hunt them down when they present themselves at the ER.

And say, "Well, you wanted Medicare Part D. Here's Part F."

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You slay me comrade...just hilarious....Mikael = 3M....I will be referring to the ignorant libtard by your "nickname" from now on......

As for Paula a "Chef", she's a relatively decent homeschooled cook because of her grandmother, although Granny shouldn't have had her actually eat her vittles....and I concur that the Butter Boys backstage were using the butter for something else... Sure hope it wasn't salted butter...LOL

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Well, I figure that the Butter Boys knew all there was to know about buttering buns.

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So good to have your input again, Kind and Generous leader.I was going to attempt to contact you directly to invite you to the Surprise Grand opening of the “Theocritus Memorial Hemlock Institute for advanced studies”, Yes Vodkavich, Obamissar 7.62, Che and myself Blackmailed, errr stiff armed errrr, solicited donations, from rich patrons such as Comrade Soros, and many others we shook down approached. And we opened this world class think tank of how to remove or violate Proles rights. Yes we are devoted to the improvement of made progressive's the common persons lives. Such as the promotion of the now famous “PTC” as a substitute for tasteless Tofu, or soylent green.

In answer to your question, “Why
not have them conduct exercises against each other and load only the guns of the ones that you want to keep? From your description they are not terribly swift on the uptake; if you tell them, "Make it realistic. When that paint ballhits you, lie down and pretend to die and don't breathe.">

This is a good idea but it is much simpler.My Goons Highly Trained Troopers all you need to do is tell them lay down and don't breathe they comply and quickly die. As most of my recruits are North Eastern liberals and were too smart for the Obamessiah's administration, and your basic wanna be progressives with I.Q.s less than 45.

We are looking forward to the Grand Opening, please forward a list of people you want to attend lift there wallets, or ship off to the GulagsSo we add their names to the guest list.

By the way Che, can you get Paula Dean to come, she has some recipes that are so high in salt fats and cholesterol, although delicious on serving can and has caused immediate heart attacks and death. We would like to add them to the menus and the Hemlock Chain of restaurants. If in Savannah GA a visit to her restaurant is a must.

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality INC
Director of Kicking doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

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Red Star, I quite like the idea of having Paula Deen come. Her recipes are just what you'd say and the Butter Boys could put on a show for a few of the Comrades here, and we could raffle off their shoes, which have pristine soles, never having touched the ground.

If Paula's recipes don't kill them then her guests would. She can draw Rosie O'Donnell, and when Paula is drunk, which is most of the time these days, her cackle is at a decibel level which would make the generators at Boulder Dam pull up their bolts and float down the Colorado.

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By the way Che, can you get Paula Dean to come, she has some recipes that are so high in salt fats and cholesterol, although delicious on serving can and has caused immediate heart attacks and death. We would like to add them to the menus and the Hemlock Chain of restaurants. If in Savannah GA a visit to her restaurant is a must,

Red Star,

Good to hear from you, comrade! Of course, Paula is coming man! She was so very excited when I spoke to her, she promised her Grannie's Fried Chicken recipe! (it took some real effort here to pry it out of the dumb, drawlin' hillbilly. I really outdid myself copiously praising her white flour dumplins', if you get what I'm sayin' comrade but finally she relented and I'm proud to say that the recipe is now in my possession)

BTW- just curious, comrade. I've been on sabbatical, and only just returned, (more on that later), but did I miss my commission check in the mail? That would be understandable if you sent it by the US Postal Service, but a progressive comrade, as surely you are, you wouldn't use snailmail?? Perhaps, you held on to it personally, for safekeeping, of course, until I got back?
Stop on over to Lucretia's and we will toss back some delicious and rare Luxist rum I picked up while on my trip..Si. my's good to be back!
The World's Most Expensive Rum
Posted Oct 22nd 2007 12:02PM by Deidre Woollard
Filed under: Spirits
<sphereit>ImageUsually when we are talking about the world's most expensive spirits we are either dealing with some form of wine or with whisky but what about the humble bottle of rum? The bottle shown here, bottled in the 1940s by the Jamaican distillers Wray and Nephew, and containing blends that date back as far as around 1915 has the honor of being what is believed to be the world's most expensive bottle of rum. The bottle which is being displayed at Europe's first rum festival, RumFest, is valued at £26,000. The bottle, which is one of four unopened bottles of the stuff in the world, represents the lost tradition of the Wray and Nephew Rum. The popularity of the Mai Tai cocktail drained their rum supplies in the 1930s. In order to keep up with demand, the distillery changed their production methods. The bottle therefore represents the chance to the Mai Tai as it was originally conceived. That is, if anyone ever opens the bottle.<br>

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Che, why do not <i>we</i> open the bottle? We can fill it back up with cheap old plonk--or some good plonk--Captain Morgan's perhaps, and reseal it merely making sure that the seal is good. And then tell people that it's worth a hell of a lot and is a good investment. They they will flip it. And borrow money on it, and then flip it and borrow money on <i>that</i>.

We will do cases of it, and thereby do our own Consolidated Debt Obligations, and we'll get the SOBama trained ACORN to threaten bankers' wives and children to make loans on this fake rum.

And then we can drive the world economy further into the ground, so that the banks will be entirely nationalized. And with Maxine Waters threatening the president of Shell Oil with nationalization, an entire world of groaning poverty, pointing fingers, storm troopers and kicked-down doors and concentration camps is only a year or so away!

And we can make Mikael the Minnesota Moonbat the poster child of it. We'll put his face on the ration stamps, his eyes closed and his mouth <i>very</i> open. yapping, yapping, yapping...

And Red, once 3M's usefulness is ended, I think that we ought to invite him to Lucrezia's, where Che will prepare a very nice spread. You, Che and I will feign and allergy to a certain thing, say truffled foie gras mousse, and tell 3M that it was taken out of the larder of John McCain.

He'll dig his snout and trotters into it, and it will be 25% hemlock.

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Yes Kind and fearless leader, great plan. As I have surgery yesterday, and am in a mood, my Goons Highly Trained Troopers all ran out some called in sick, some claimed they had to clean the vehicles. Geeez shoot one they all run. As far as the bottle we could just refill it with Ever clear (Grain Alcohol) the pin heads who buy this would not know the difference. Hell for the price we could buy a shi$ load of St Ives Malt liquor. I do like your plans for 3M, but as a back up I'll just have my Goons Highly Trained Troopers be ready to shoot him. Ok thats the drugs kicking in....I'll just have them stab him..

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality INC
Director of Kicking doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith

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Oh, by all means your troopers need to be ready to shoot 3M. I think that he could be ground up into People's Tasty Crème too. If you believe in the theories of <a href="">Lysenko</a>, then you can believe that feeding 3M-enhanced PTC to other people would produce a crop of <i>more</i> Mimes.

Which would no doubt increase the noise in the world but would be no worse than listening to alternative comics, except that, properly understood and from a distance, 3M is funny, not that he'd get the joke, and alternative comics aren't.

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Forgive me that it took 10 days for me to see this.

What an excellent idea! Before you know it the ACLU will be supporting ALL of The Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment. I know. It's a pipe-dream. But, for sake of The Children™, I have to believe.


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Oddly enough, the ACLU does have its purpose. I have a friend, a prof at UNLV, and the fellow who, as I never tire of bragging, wrote the Starr Report, who is on the Nevada ACLU board. He is by no means a moonbat. A woman in Nevada got pissed at a jeweler she said was a crook. She picketed his building and was told to stop.

She took her sign and crossed the street at every change of the light, and was thrown in jail for it.

The ACLU, very rightly, took on her case.

Most of the time the ACLU ought to be shot on sight, but once on a while...

On balance though they're gator bait.