
Judgement at Obamaberg

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once in a generation... a motion picture explodes into greatness "We are innocent. We were just following orders." eric holder lois lerner hillary Stanley Kreamem's Judgement at Obamaberg

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Comrade Margaret, is there truth (or Current Truth) to the rumor that Sandra Fluke plays the part of a floozie madly in love with The President? And who (spoiler alert!) eventually succumbs to a latex allergy?

I also heard that they were trying to insert former congressman and future mayor Anthony Weiner into the action as well, but it was just too hard.

Bloomberg could buy the Bahamas and name it after himself and become King and spiritual leader from which to conquer the proles in Obamaberg to stop the double secret gay bashes where it was overheard that "I just kind of backed into the LEAN FORWARD slogan. Of course, it's Marxist, you idiot!" After that Clown Carney announced that Pinnoccio never lied. Says he was actually a gay superhero.

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I'm confident that J. Carney will bark in their defense and that the media will deplore the wrongful accusations which are all for political purposes anyway because, at this point, what difference does it make? We can only hope that the Administration spares no expense (sequester-be-darned) to hire some silver-tongued barrister....

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I am thinking that Obamaberg sounds a little too, how shall I Hebrewish. I am thinking something more Progressive and full of camaraderie like, um, say Obamastan? That would help bring in the desirous mooslimic voters... viewers. But what could this movie be about -- NOTHING, I SAY!! It would be about nothing . . . innocence, no knowledge!! Better to be watching Bambie for excitement! I denounce the whole thing....

Yes, but Republicans kicked me out. I wasn't Liberal enough, and have a conscience. The People's Party took pity on me because the RINO's didn't even want me for a door mat.

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"It is against such a background that these defendants now ask this Tribunal to say that they are not guilty of planning, executing, or conspiring to commit this long list of crimes and wrongs.

They stand before the record of this Trial as bloodstained Gloucester stood by the body of his slain king. He begged of the widow, as they beg of you: "Say I slew them not." And the Queen replied, "Then say they were not slain. But dead they are..." If you were to say of these men that they are not guilty, it would be as true to say that there has been no war, there are no slain, there has been no crime. "

Robert Justice Jackson
Summation at Nuremberg, 1st International War Crimes Tribunal

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"I was just following orders", the Obamaberg defense. Of the three shown in the movie poster, the first committed suicide by cyanide before judgement could be rendered. The second was serving a life sentence in Spandau Prison and hanged himself after 40 years. The third was sentenced to hang by the Tribunal and was executed. Will 'Judgement at Obamaberg' have such a gratifying regretful ending or will we be forced to wait for the suspense filled answer in 'Judgement at Obamaberg ll-Cheat the Hangman'?

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"These men saw no evil, spoke none, and none was uttered in their presence. This claim might sound very plausible if made by one defendant. But when we put all their stories together, the impression which emerges of the Third Reich, which was to last a thousand years, is ludicrous. If we combine only the stories of the front bench, this is the ridiculous composite picture of Hitler's Government that emerges. It was composed of:

A Number 2 man who knew nothing of the excesses of the Gestapo which he created, and never suspected the Jewish extermination program although he was the signer of over a score of decrees which instituted the persecutions of that race;

A Number 3 man who was merely an innocent middleman transmitting Hitler's orders without even reading them, like a postman or delivery boy;

A foreign minister who knew little of foreign affairs and nothing of foreign policy;

A field marshal who issued orders to the Armed Forces but had no idea of the results they would have in practice;

A security chief who was of the impression that the policing functions of his Gestapo and SD were somewhat on the order of directing traffic;

A Party philosopher who was interested in historical research and had no idea of the violence which his philosophy was inciting in the twentieth century;

A governor general of Poland who reigned but did not rule;

A Gauleiter of Franconia whose occupation was to pour forth filthy writings about the Jews, but who had no idea that anybody would read them;

A minister of interior who knew not even what went on in the interior of his own office, much less the interior of his own department, and nothing at all about the interior of Germany;

A Reichsbank president who was totally ignorant of what went in and out of the vaults of his bank;

And a plenipotentiary for the war economy who secretly marshaled the entire economy for armament, but had no idea it had anything to do with war.

This may seem like a fantastic exaggeration, but this is what you would actually be obliged to conclude if you were to acquit these defendants.

They do protest too much. They deny knowing what was common knowledge. They deny knowing plans and programs that were as public as Mein Kampf and the Party program. They deny even knowing the contents of documents they received and acted upon. "

Same source...

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It was all the Big Cheese's fault! But ask the Big Cheese and all he knows is what he read in the newspapers.

Obama may yet find out the meaning of "the buck stops here." From the finger pointing of his own fellow desperate criminals. Put those people through the meat grinder and pretty soon we'll make a hotdog of justice.

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Margaret wrote:It was all the Big Cheese's fault! But ask the Big Cheese and all he knows is what he read in the newspapers.

Obama may yet find out the meaning of "the buck stops here." From the finger pointing of his own fellow desperate criminals. Put those people through the meat grinder and pretty soon we'll make a hotdog of justice.
A "hotdog of justice"...Mmmmmmmmmmmm...I could go for a couple right now.