
Michael Moore Says Eat The Rich.

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. Comrade Moore forgot to specify Progressively acceptable side-dishes: Sauteed Fingers of Tea-Partiers.

. --Kagan Gourmet

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Best I can tell he has been eating them for awhile. Will he really share with us?

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This gives me a headache. I know that comrade Mikel Moorisk is a devoted communist but he is also very wealthy from capitalist.... what a contradictions of contradictions? oh, no silly me, us commie lovers are some of the wealthy, just like Castor and Chavez.

Long live the Eat the Rich Diner!

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I denounce myself as being most unequal.

Copy of 185822_204140742931128_100000056112997_779273_7915112_n.jpg

I know the drill.
Jiffy Lobo & Platform 5.

Copy of policemanandprisoner5-1.jpg

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When dining at Moore's "Eat the Rich Bar & Grill" last evening, I took a snapshot of one of the main entrees:


. Of course, we know that in the culinary business, "presentation" is everything:

. Image

. --Kagan Gourmet

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Comrade Alfred, I am always so impressed with your just reasoning... and well acquaintance with our lovely Jiffy processes.

Comradette Kagan Gourmet, my my my, that is an impressive layout (no pun intended!)

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I'm reluctant to display the dessert. . --Kagan Gourmet

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Comrade Kagan Gourmet, you have a definite culinary talent, albeit a somewhat disturbing one. I think I understand why Dear Leader chose you for the SCOTUS. I have heard a rumor that Comrade Moore's next movie will be "Eating Judge Roberts" starring yourself. I dismissed it as some sort of joke but now I am not so sure.....

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This may be a failure to communicate, it sounded as though he said eat the bitch and not eat the rich, unless he knows some guy named Richard.

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Goose that laid the golden eggs...HA, that quacks me up!

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Opiate of the People wrote:Comrade Kagan Gourmet, you have a definite culinary talent, albeit a somewhat disturbing one. I think I understand why Dear Leader chose you for the SCOTUS. I have heard a rumor that Comrade Moore's next movie will be "Eating Judge Roberts" starring yourself. I dismissed it as some sort of joke but now I am not so sure.....
. .

Knowing, of course, that you are speaking metaphorically, you are correct that I eat the conservative Justices for breakfast every day. Thus, that will be the overarching theme of the movie-- "Brilliant Young Feminist Lawyer Becomes Supreme Court Justice and Eats the Reich-Wing Justices for Breakfast Every Day." It's a perfect Hollywood script. I can envison the movie poster already. How could those one-track-minded male Justices possibly compete on the intellectual battlefield with one as skilled in multi-tasking as I? .

. --Kagan Gourmet

I denounce the wearer of this shirt. Off with his head!! And we redistribute his rations!

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Comrade Moore is not as he seems. I just received a memo from one of my operatives at Area 51. There is an alien living inside and controlling him. Most of the record was blacked out, but a few lines of the interrogation by MIB agents is clearly visible:

Agent;" Why are you here?"
Disgusting Blob;"I come in peace. I come to eat."
Agent;"What do you like to eat?"
Disgusting Blob;"Eat some humans."
Agent;"You mean People?"
Disgusting Blob;"Not People, Rich Capitalists."

Said blob escaped Area 51 and was last seen slithering into the residence of Comrade Moore.
Here's an image of the Critter:


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Grigori E.R. wrote:Comrades,
Comrade Moore is not as he seems. I just received a memo from one of my operatives at Area 51. There is an alien living inside and controlling him. Most of the record was blacked out, but a few lines of the interrogation by MIB agents is clearly visible:

Agent;" Why are you here?"
Disgusting Blob;"I come in peace. I come to eat."
Agent;"What do you like to eat?"
Disgusting Blob;"Eat some humans."
Agent;"You mean People?"
Disgusting Blob;"Not People, Rich Capitalists."

Said blob escaped Area 51 and was last seen slithering into the residence of Comrade Moore.
Here's an image of the Critter:


I don't think this alien will have much chance against Michael Moore. I hate to speak disrespectfully towards such a loyal Marxist as Michael Moore, but he makes Jabba the Hut look as underfed and gaunt as does Charlie Sheen. .

--Kagan Gourmet.

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Comrades,
Comrade Moore is not as he seems. I just received a memo from one of my operatives at Area 51. There is an alien living inside and controlling him. Most of the record was blacked out, but a few lines of the interrogation by MIB agents is clearly visible:

Agent;" Why are you here?"
Disgusting Blob;"I come in peace. I come to eat."
Agent;"What do you like to eat?"
Disgusting Blob;"Eat some humans."
Agent;"You mean People?"
Disgusting Blob;"Not People, Rich Capitalists."

Said blob escaped Area 51 and was last seen slithering into the residence of Comrade Moore.
Here's an image of the Critter:


Being the curious sort I am, I decided to see if this was a real fish. Indeed it is. The actual write-up is almost comical too-

A Fathead (genus Psychrolutes) trawled during the NORFANZ expedition at a depth between 1013 m and 1340 m, on the Norfolk Ridge, north-west of New Zealand, June 2003 (AMS I.42771-001).
Kerryn Parkinson
© NORFANZ founding parties
Common name:
Scientific name:
Psychrolutes sp
Additional information

The scientists and crew on board the RV Tangaroa affectionately called this fish 'Mr Blobby'. The fish's body is flabby and not adapted to be out of water! The yellowish 'blob' on the right side of Mr Blobby's mouth is a parasitic copepod.

Mr Blobby is psychrolutid fish (family Psychrolutidae). Fishes in this family are called the fathead sculpins. They are found in marine waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans at depths between 100 m and 2800 m. The common name 'fathead sculpin' refers to the large, globular head and 'floppy' skin that is typical of these fishes. Little is known of their biology. Some have been found with gastropods in the stomach.

The fish now resides in the Australian Museum Ichthyology Collection. It was initially fixed in formaldehyde and is now preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol. The fixation process has 'tightened' Mr Blobby's skin so his 'nose' has shrunk and he no longer retains his 'cute' look.

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But Comrade Moore's huge pile of cash is different, yes?

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To share his talents with the rest of the world, Mr. Moore takes the part of "Bob's Big Boy"
in the Hollywood pre Winter Solstice parade.

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Comrade Vladimir,
Re:Fathead (that was soooo funny)
I would never "pull your leg" Comrade, I always post the Current Truth, whatever that may be.

Comrade Zampolit Blokhayev,
Of course Comrade Moore's pile of cash is different. It' re-distributed funds that he deserves because he is so more than equal and all...

Comrade Tooorisky,
I used to love dining at Bob's Big Boy. Are they still around? I haven't seen one for years.

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Micheal Moore's Evil Capitalist Identical Twin. (Pizza the Hutt)

Comrade Micheal eating Pizza (the Hutt)

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Imagine the damage that would be done to the sewer system if this fat, useful idiot decided to do a "colon cleanse".

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Oh my Obama! Commissar Zampolit! That "cleansing" would make the tsunami look like a mere ripple in the pond. Such an event would be right up there with the Asteroid impact that took all the dinosaurs out. A "Game Over" Event and we would not have a reset button to push.

Now I'm going to have nightmares...

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Clearly, the point I was attempting to make was that as bad as things are now... we could be in even deeper ****!

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"deeper ****!", hmmmm... deep dish pizza?... Now I'm hungry. Let's all go over to "Bobby" Obamugabe's. He always has the bestest pizza.

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Grigori E.R. wrote:"deeper ****!", hmmmm... deep dish pizza?... Now I'm hungry. Let's all go over to "Bobby" Obamugabe's. He always has the bestest pizza.

We could call it "The People's Pizza"!