
My May Day Journal

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Comrades, Space Dog Laika, I must apologize for not having commenting earlier on the wonderful May Day Parade, and the inspiring speech delivered by the Hero Space Dog, Laika. I can not believe that it took me this long to sober up get the official Party photo back and to write up a summary. As you can see below, the Department of Current Truth had to clear this photo for initial release due to a certain comrade who shall we say, was never there. This photo is not cleared yet for release to non-party members.

it was a wonderful day for a parade, the weather was great, the moonbat sheep were in top form, and the vodka Party spirit was flowing freely. The Chairman was as usual, in top form having bested me yet again in collecting contributions that had dropped on the ground or fell out of comrades wallets who were resting. As you can see. most of the more equal than others were in attendance, and there were several others who were passed out or otherwise indisposed in the break room behind us including a certain Comrade Cat who amused the rest of us both before and after he passed out on the Volga pepper cat nip.

We were treated to a parade of the latest Armed Forces for Peace weaponry including the latest Poodle Gun that will help keep the Party's march toward world socialism on track. The usual assortment of moonbats, mimes for peace and impeachment, Boobs for Peace, Code Pink, DNC marching band, and other useful idiots were represented.

As for me, one of my treasured memories came when I took a break from the wall only to find Commissarka Pinkie and Comrade Kalishnakov arguing about whether a shovel or AK47 digs a neater ditch. Then after a few toasts, they were telling jokes and laughing about some appropriations they had taken that had not been authorized. Commissar Theocritus and the Premier were debating finer points in regard to the latest video games and dialectical materialism. It started to get a bit heated, but Comrade Red Square quickly settled the issue in his usual manner. And who couldn't help but be amused when the Chairman secretly switched the fluids in Comrade Betinov's jar with Georgian Vodka to as he said "see just how progressive Comrade Brain in the Jar can be!" Quite progressive as it turns out!

Comrades, I have gone on too long, but I do hope you enjoy the official photo.

[quote=Comrades, I have gone on too long, but I do hope you enjoy the official photo,[/quote]

Absolutely not Comrade Canis!

i am pleased (i think) that you are still with us despite your self denunciation

i need clearance to post my pix anywhere and have submitted the forms. i wish to stand next to Laika next year, pet her head and say

"it is not that hot in here!"

in an unrelated note, i have sent a handful of diamonds tied in a Pioneer Neckerchief to secure an inflatable Kennedy! a valued member of the undervaser forces, he is a full Commander, Oldsmobile Killbox Class. These are old boats but quite efficient at killing cosnopolites. Due to the statue's truly heroic size (only fitting), i will need to empty a SS-20 tube.

can anyone think of a good target?

and i did not collide with the Kitty Hawk off japan!

Confirm distance to Tiffany's

one ping only

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Knowing how lonely submarine service can be, I assume this is the sort of inflatable Kennedy you seek?


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I'm staying the hell away from that restaurant.

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How does it feel Premier? To be standing next to the Glorious Red Cube in the May Day parade? I was close enough to the Chairman to feel the tingling of power as it danced across my uniform..... wait a minute,,,, where's my wallet?

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Figures. Sitting next to a giant hand does have its advantages.

And I see that AK still hasn't learned to not point guns at people's heads. Madame Speaker will not be pleased.

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I am sure Comrade Kalishakov was simply being protective of Comrade Nancy, especially since she seems to have moved up in the Party hierarchy of late.... at least I assume this is the case. Not positive who that whited out figure is. Have you a guess?

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Who is (ahem) not standing next to me?

And remember I have a shovel and I'm not afraid to use it.

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Uh, er, I am really not at liberty to say if you know what I mean.... but I think if you shall we say, eliminate those more equal than comrades who are present, from a list of more equal than comrades you would expect to see at the biggest celebration of the year, and maybe look at that profile closely, one might be able to deduce who it was that never existed. Let's just say' me just point out that Nancy IS there.....well, I think I have said enough.

Commissar Pupovich wrote:Knowing how lonely submarine service can be, I assume this is the sort of inflatable Kennedy you seek?


I must have her/him/it! a bewitching siren i must follow. a mermaid of a man made for a submerged man!

have many crystals left, many indeed and I MUST HAVE HER/HIM/IT

please tell me where to send them for a visit from the Kennedy Creature! and throw in the buffalo ribs as a show of unity please Commissar pupovich

confirm distance to release

one ping only

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Just send your contributions to me Comrade One Ping Only, and I will ensure they go to the proper Party office. I am only too glad to be of service to one of our service men. BTW, I am envious of that wonderful revolutionary alias you chose for yourself. It was brilliant.

Commissar Pupovich wrote:Just send your contributions to me Comrade One Ping Only, and I will ensure they go to the proper Party office. I am only too glad to be of service to one of our service men. BTW, I am envious of that wonderful revolutionary alias you chose for yourself. It was brilliant.

Dear Commissar,

thank you for you kind words. i was afraid that the reference might be too obscure and be lost in the cone of silence.

i think the cat has a good one too.

confirm distance to next tuesday

one ping only

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That is possible since many comrades would rather not read or see a movie where one of the Motherlands most advanced underwater Peace boats is shamelessly given to the imperialists through the work of a traitor. But I feel it is important to know these things in order to prevent such actions in the future.