
Mysterious Obama Body Talk! UPDATE!

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Comrades, I observed our glorious leader, Obama, at yesterday's most important Hell Health Summit, DESPERATELY trying to make a point by holding his thumb and index finger about an inch apart. It was toward the end of his "summitation", if you want to see for yourselves. This went on for several minutes, but no one seemed to get it! I'm confused. What could this mean? I'm askin', could it be a measure of something? Perhaps the size of the bill that should, according to at least me, be made smaller? Or, could it be the actual size of The One's Johnson? Just askin'. Us normal little progs want to know! Anyone...Anyone?


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My guess is that The One was going for a Vader-esque psychic crush on a smaller scale.

Which does raise the question "What was he squeezing telepathically?"

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Probably just showing how much respect he has for the will of the people and their intelligence.

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There is an ugly racist rumor afoot that Dear Leader was attempting some nasal exploration on the sly during the aforementioned circus summit:

I do not believe this for a second. I believe that what he is doing in the video is related to the finger movement you observed. That is, he came to pick the Rethuglicans' brains and found the picking slim so he decided to pick his own. Brain, that is.

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Image Mysterious Obama Body Talk! UPDATE! UPDATE!

Let me be CLEAR, Comrades, ahem! I don't want to be accused of beating a dead Johnson, here, but PROOF is PROOF! After digging deep into the horrifically "fowl-smelling organic garden" in my back yard, I found this:
Image Just whom Reid is "flippin' the bird" to is not clear. (as a journalist, this is quite irrelevant) Methinks it is to everyone! And that includes our Dear Leader! What an atrocity!

Digging even deeper, I found THIS!
Image See! Here it is! I told you about this when he was doing it during the Hell Health Care Summitization! This time, though, the space between his thumb and index looks more like, well, a good inch and three quarters! (I know I said about an inch before, but, this is a SIGNIFICANT improvement!)

Digging even deeper, (I had to wear a HazMat uniform this time) I found THIS:
Image Yeah. We're talkin' about a "whopper" here Comrades! Is our Dear Leader a True Master of Hyperbole or what!

Or, is this just another fish story? I don't think so! Very impressive!

I, Pamalinsky, am, am...well, er, just DUMBSTRUCK! Sigh!