
New collective Internet

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For Immediate Release:

The Internet Security and Access Equality Act of 2013

As part of the United Nations Rights of the Child Treaty, this Act of Congress will bring broadband Internet to every home in America along with a new 4K television. This act shall be administered by the Federal Communications Commission, and the individual mandate of $200.00 per month per family. Congress has the right to lay a tax for the cost of Internet insurance as determined by the Supreme Court decision on the individual mandate for the New Affordable Care Act.

According to news sources, this bill can be implemented via Executive Order, if not passed by Congress.

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"It is about time that people stop thinking about the internet as theirs, even if they already pay for it. The free market did not build it: Government built it. So, we can tax it it to death (See, Obamacare), and you will like it if our celebrities want you to, OR ELSE! Exchanges will be set up on the internet so that needy persons without internet access may register, no identification needed. Be assured that those identified as conservatives christians heterosexual white white-hispanics suspect of abusing the system will be subject to further scrutiny by some other admnistration. It is, after all, for The Children of the Collective!™ Image "

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Do you think we can tax newborns? After all, we have to care for them throughout their lives by providing pre-natal care, midwives, hospital birth, pre-school, grammar school, high school, college loans, food stamps, health care, unemployment insurance, welfare, social security payments, death benefits, burial expenses, [highlight=#ffff00]and now free Internet[/highlight]. This is expensive! Abortion is so much simpler. (and cheaper) Forget I brought it up...

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I will be watching you... On my new 4k television, paid for by te rich. Ha ha ha.