
Obama's Scientific Name: Narcissus Politicus

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A genus of limp, thin-skinned bulbs in the Demagogus family, native to Kenya, Chicago, and Washington, DC., with some anecdotal evidence of Hawaiian origins.

Named after Narcissus of Greek mythology who was in love with himself and disdained those who loved him. One day he became so obsessed with his own reflection in a pool of water that he died of starvation, unable to leave the beauty of his own image.

Another theory links the name to its narcotic properties (ναρκάω narkao, "I grow numb" in Greek).

While all narcissi are slightly toxic, Narcissus Politicus is more dangerous than others, acting as a strong irritant. Even brief exposure in a closed room can cause headache and vomiting.

Now open for caption contest:


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Dear Glorious Incarnadine Trapezoid...

Do we not still have some of that brain cleaner around for Fahlkyn? I know it would usually fall under the purview of Housekeeping, but after Meow tried to destroy all our stocks, you instituted marshal law with regards to the Brain Cleaner and hid it somewhere he could never find it... or anyone else for that matter... and believe me, I've been looking for the stuff for the last five years since you hid it...

I think it was this stuff... remember?

It's always great to bring back some of the old ideas... use up old stock that's just taking up space... as long as it wasn't denounced while I was really sick and it won't get me sent to the Gulag... oh wait... I already live in the Gulag... heheheh... Anyway... this was the Boss's invention so I can't imagine he'll be too upset, unless it's just that he forgot he invented it... not that he ever forgets anything... cause he's the Boss... and he's perfect... cause he's the Boss...

... I'll shut up now.... I'd just denounce myself, but last time I tried that, Pup just started a self-denouncement war... couldn't let it rest... had to have the last word... like a dog worrying a bone... and then he started to talk $hit about cats, and it just got really ugly from there... and not even that troll "Ratnosekotex" could get him to refocus... He's so competitive...

... Why is it I can remember everything that happened before the first half of 2008 and now I can barely remember what happened last week? I thought the side effects of the coma woulda disappeared by now... this is really frustrating... Although I would like to point out that I'm a pretty good gardener and still remember a lot about different kinds of flowers and plants... so my usefulness hasn't completely... crap... what was I going to say?...

... what pretty flowers!

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'kay... to business... I'm sorry I don't have a working graphics programme right now so I can't add text to the picture myself but....Even brief exposure in a closed room can cause headache and vomiting:

"I think I just vomited in my mouth a little...."

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SMO, so glad to see you back! Everything is as if you never left, because you're still very much up-to-date with The Current Truth, and how do I know? Because you said this:

It's always great to bring back some of the old ideas...

That's exactly what Obama's been doing on the campaign trail with his latest speech on the economy and his Pivot #498 to Joe Biden's favorite three-letter word—jobs! That's still the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up in the morning, and the last thing he thinks of before going to sleep at night. Yes, he has a laser-like focus on it now!

Why is it I can remember everything that happened before the first half of 2008
and now I can barely remember what happened last week?

Again, Sister—just like Obama! He, too, remembers everything that happened during the Bush years, when Bush was destroying America and bequeathing a colossal mess to Obama who, even though he campaigned on telling us how horrible everything was, didn't realize until he took office that it was, in fact, infinitely worse than he'd thought! (Obviously Bush kept a lot of stuff under wraps, and how the NYT missed dutifully leaking them we may never know.)

So busy is Obama with the responsibilities of the presidency, that he can't remember anything more recent, either—like the fact that The Party had a supermajority in Congress the first two years of his term, and still controls the Senate. He's just so exhausted and stressed out from the enormous mess he inherited from Bush, that how can we expect him to remember anything these days, except that he killed Osama bin Laden and everything else is Bush's fault?

Even gods are human.

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Based on this actual photograph, there appears to be some DNA from "Homo Erectus" present. This is more present in the population centers.

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Sister Massively Opiated wrote:I can't add text to the picture myself but.... Even brief exposure in a closed room can cause headache and vomiting:

"I think I just vomited in my mouth a little...."

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For the Rodgers & Hammerstein loving comrade:

Obama_Kisses_Blank copy.jpg

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:SMO, so glad to see you back! Everything is as if you never left, because you're still very much up-to-date with The Current Truth...


That's the awesome thing about TPC and The Current Truth™... It is, by it's very definition, always Current! Just another reason why our Rufescent Rectilinear Rudder is a genius nonpareil... and no matter how absent I may be, whether temporally or temporally, it will forever be Current. Geeze... I almost feel like I should shout Viva La Cube!

That's exactly what Obama's been doing on the campaign trail with his latest speech on the economy and his Pivot #498 to Joe Biden's favorite three-letter word—jobs! That's still the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up in the morning, and the last thing he thinks of before going to sleep at night. Yes, he has a laser-like focus on it now!

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...

Why is it I can remember everything that happened before the first half of 2008
and now I can barely remember what happened last week?

Again, Sister—just like Obama! He, too, remembers everything that happened during the Bush years, when Bush was destroying America and bequeathing a colossal mess to Obama who, even though he campaigned on telling us how horrible everything was, didn't realize until he took office that it was, in fact, infinitely worse than he'd thought! (Obviously Bush kept a lot of stuff under wraps, and how the NYT missed dutifully leaking them we may never know.)

So busy is Obama with the responsibilities of the presidency, that he can't remember anything more recent, either—like the fact that The Party had a supermajority in Congress the first two years of his term, and still controls the Senate. He's just so exhausted and stressed out from the enormous mess he inherited from Bush, that how can we expect him to remember anything these days, except that he killed Osama bin Laden and everything else is Bush's fault?

Even gods are human.

As was mentioned in that surprising and wonderful commentary on Obama's history and presidency in the Washington Post, he's not known for his original thinking, and it's another instance of his borrowing excuses from his Democratic predecessors... It's always a problem or situation they inherited from the previous party's administration... but isn't that the nature of democracy and partisan politics? If you take over from another party's administration, it's a job you asked for, based on the notion that they could do a better job... So why spend so much time bitching about it and why not just get on with the job you asked for? Those that can, do. Those that can't, and don't have the strength of will or imagination to actually do the job, blame. Sadly, all to often, it's a strategy that works with the useful idiots, because it's one they can relate to... they're so used to blaming everyone else for their problems instead of just getting on with the job of fixing things... That would require too much imagination and initiative. Funny thing though... I thought that he was voted in on a mandate of Change. How soon they forget.

... not that I can really criticize, given how soon I forget... heheheheh...

Ahhh... Pinkie... I've missed you... and I have a sudden craving for beets... I dunno why. Now I'm off to look up some reference material on Greek mythology and horticulture in the hopes of contributing something more meaningful than, "I think I just vomited in my mouth a little..." Perhaps it's the notion that "narkao" or "I grow numb" strikes so close to home for the Massively Opiated. In fact, I grew numb just a little while ago... heheheh... I wonder what "I grow deaf, dumb, and blind," is in ancient Greek?


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Does anyone know if Red Square has considered building a People's Tesseract?

Just a thought...

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Using the peoples phone (not that smart) I can't work the graphics, but here's the concept: left Obama thinking " So clean, so articulate, so well spoken..." partner Obama thinking "
Mmmmmm, I wonder what Putin is doing Tuesday evening..."

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Does anyone know if Red Square has considered building a People's Tesseract?
Just a thought...
Comrade R.O.C.K.!
You dare question the motivations and wisdom of our Great Grenadine Geometer-General? You demand a hypercube?... a Hexahedron isn't enough for you? You require a Hexadecachoron? The People's Cube is timeless. We do not need a fourth theoretical spacial dimension!

Do our shovels require a fourth spacial dimension to exist? Are the holes we dig with them wormholes, or ditches?

Decadence, I say! Sheer Decadence! And Narcissism!... Just to stay on topic...

What you ask, most of our proletariat could not even imagine... This is not a failing of imagination on their part. It is asking them to compete both intellectually and creatively, and by definition, for many of them to achieve an unequal outcome to the few, which is unacceptable... anathema. It is asking them to compete using their brains, when they should be shoveling cooperatively, to achieve shoveling!

Just a thought...

Pah! Just a thought-crime, more like! I am going to go and shovel, just to clear my mind. Of course, any beets I happen to accidentally unearth will go into today's collective borscht...

Sister Massively Opiated

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My most equal apologies, Comrade SMO (note to comrades: goodgawdamighty, that woman gets set off easily! Is there a JiffyLobo in her neighborhood, anybody know? Just sayin'...).

In addition to your severely needed and most appreciated correction, above, it would have be(et)hooved me to remember that Colonel 7.62 can always deal with time related anomalies, and what with the ignorant masses thinking that "time" is the fourth dimension, well, words fail me. Of course, it could just be that I dropped a Dorito crumb into my keyboard. We'll never know.

I - yet again - denounce myself.

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Be my Valentine cuz I don't wanna be Obama self