
Obama Says Yes To Eagle Hunting

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bag an eagle.jpg
After a long difficult fight for religious justice and minority rights, our Native American comrades have found a sympathetic ear in the House of Whites. Evil white man's laws are inherently prejudiced against non-white populations. This is a key element of "Critical Race Theory". We can simply consider dead bald eagles as white chickens coming home to roost.

The bald eagle was chosen as a national bird because of its white head. This insulting symbol must be torn down and buried with the Confederate flag. Critical Race Theory will not allow for white symbolism or white economic systems. Capitalism is a white man's economic system designed to benefit white people. Socialism/Communism follows man's native economic purity of sharing and elevating the people of the earth. This is how Mother Earth intended us to live. This is how Utopian native populations lived when close to the earth, before capitalism.

Minorities of color finally have a champion to defy the oppressive colorless majority who cheated their way to the top.

Please call John Two-Hearts "Bald Eagle Barbecue" for reservations.

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Mmmm, the aroma of Thanksgiving eagle and tofu dressing.

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I hope they taste like chicken...

Is that beet gravy in the bottom of the roasting pan?

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R.O.C.K. and TOVARICHI, This ain't no bloody beet gravy! This is Pink Slime used in our children's school lunches AND our ground beef we buy every day at the grocery! Nasty!

Hey guys! Get with the progrom program!