
Outrage: Border fence too high, illegals can't cross safely

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Life imitates The People's Cube:

Arizona Newspaper: Border Fence Too High, Illegals Can't Cross Safely

Click through if you want, but frankly, the headline is more interesting than the article.

A mainstream Arizona newspaper is decrying the small section of the Arizona-Mexico border that has a 14-foot-high primary fence because it is too high for illegal immigrants to safely cross. The article, “Border Fence Jumpers Breaking Bones,” includes the claim that sections of the border with a 14-foot-high fence are “as tall as a two or three-story house” and tells the stories of several women who broke bones and were treated extensively to healthcare and surgeries at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. The writer never mentions any lives directly lost as a result of there not being a border fence in most sections, such as when Mexican nationals crossed into the U.S. and murdered father and husband Robert Rosas, a U.S. Border Patrol agent.

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Where is the safety commissioner on this? Do we have a fence height standard?

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This is, indeed, life imitating The People's Cube - in particular, these two stories:

USSA Border Escort Service: saving lives & servicing guests



What to do with old Borders Books locations...


And finally, special thanks to Comrade Biff Henderson, whose image we appropriated to illustrate the topic.

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I find it odd that the political class hasn't allocated money for pedestrian overpasses along the border, one every quarter mile, each with an accompanying Welcome Station, so as not to inconvenience these lovers of America.

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I say that we build car jack caches along the Mexico side of the border so that Migrants and Refugees can accomplish this:

By lifting up the fence, these poor people can lift themselves out of poverty.

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On the other hand, why aren't we building a glacier wall along our southern border to protect the Mexican people from Climate Change so they wouldn't have to migrate here?