
Palestinian Minister of Uncontrollable Rage Wikileaks

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I demand that the Palestinian Minister of Uncontrollable Rage be reprimanded (only slightly, because ons should never insult the Religion of Peace) for wikileaking state secrets to the Judaeo-Fascist State Media of the Zionist Entity.

This amounts to treason!

My comrades, please assess the following evidence and tell me what you think!

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Никак поймите какие говорит. Так, какое высказывание этот язык который мы не знаем.

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I am sorry I did not supply Russian and German subtitles. How culturally intolerant of me!

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Oh, my dear Frau,
The Minister was speaking the international language of hate moral justice.

Dear Leader Obamugabe,
The Minister does need to be denounced. Never, ever let the enemy know what you are up to. Of course I don't have to tell you that.

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No apology needed, dear comrade Obamugabe. It is simply my lack of culture awareness! I am off to Jiffy-Lobo for a new refreshing refresher course in multi-language cultural training.

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It appears that the minister is suffering from some sort of malady.
Perhaps it is the same as plagued Chairman Arafat!

There have been great strides made in treatment, but very sorry to say the best was put together by those of the Hebrew heritage!

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Any friend of Dear Leader's is a friend of mine, rage, or no rage. Always good to hear other Leaders speaking well of him.

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Oh, and one more thing. I DENOUNCE anyone here who did not listen to the entire video all the way through to the end. You know who you are. Now just go back and listen to it again. Of course, I know that none of the above comrades did this. I'm not talking about you. But you know who you are.

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Fraulein Pulloskies - try closing the black advertising box at the bottom of the video and you will see English subtitles.

Also, that Palestinian comrade looks familiar... Didn't he sing Jihad Bells dressed up as Santa?

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Hamas is rather moderate, mild, and nutritious. It's good for everybody. Or is it humus? What's the difference? It's all part of the mysterious, unknowable Middle East populated by a few Muslim countries and a whole bunch of powerful Jewish states surrounding them and working to push the peace-worshiping Arabs into the sea.

That view is shared by the UCLA students below.

Didn't Lenin teach us to share? Share your progressive views, you herpes, and your land with everyone else... Progressive education at work!

<embed src="" quality="high" width="600" height="385" FlashVars="config= ... /10185.xml" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

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Comrade Chedoh,
Do not go digging!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I see: "digging for more of these". Ok, proceed Chedoh.

Why all the fuss over some digging?
FYI Comrades:
Current archeological evidence has pretty much proven that the Mosque at al Aqsa sits right on top of the fabled Temple of Solomon or a least what's left of it. The Temple of Solomon besides being the Holiest of all that's Holy for the ancient Jews was also the resting place for the Ark of the Covenant so it's easy to see why there's interest in excavating under the Mosque. The problem is that the Mosque at al Aqsa is the Holiest of all that's Holy for the Muslims. It's safe to say it's quite the Holy War.

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I'm strictly against digging. The threat of man made global holing is growing. Soon there won't be any place left for us to stand.