
Part 6 of the Revolution unfolds!

Fellow Comrades:
In the case you have not noticed, part 6 of the revolution is unfolding right in your eyes. Currently, the masses of people in New Orleans, a city in the USSA, are showing their red anger against the current administration. Because of the oinky capitalistic system, the needed relief efforts for the People arrived at a very slow rate. The capitalist media is beginning to show the true side of the story when the People complain against the government due to their dissatisfaction of the government's response to the situation.

However, this has already been a part of our plan since the beginning. We knew that the People were tired of the capitalist system, and this situation proves it! Now the People demand answers, and now they want revolutionize the government in order to make sure that the People are first. This anger is only the beginning of the revolt that was planned for part 6 of the Revolution.

With that being said, all the people in New Orleans need to revolt against the corrupt capitalist system, and the government must be ousted so that the People can rule and bring real help to the nation. Part 7 will be discussed as soon as New Orleans is captured by the People.

With that being said, go ahead and donate to the Red Cross, because that will aid the People in their effort for the coming of the Revolution (and the Red Cross is the official People's aid organization).

That is all for now. I recommend that everyone check out their 10-part plan so that they will be ready to go forward once part 6 concludes.

Revolutionizing New Orleans one complaint at a time,
Vladimir Ivanov
Red Journalism Headquarters, Moscow, USSR

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The Revoltion can't begin without the proper equipment and supplies...


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Private Pravda wrote:Shovels!!! Where are the SHOVELS!!!!
They are on their way!