
Sacrificial troops to be given 21 days off

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For their great service to Our Dear Leader, Troops from Afrikka get 21 days of vacation. That is right, 21 days of comfort and relaxation.

As Dear Leader fights here at home and brings others from abroad, our troops served Dear Leader at the source to take care of Ebola.

I am grateful to have the most caring Dear Leader.


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Isn't it most generous of our dear Leader (from behind) to allow these loyal comrades 21 days off from their toil? Their infection from Ebola will be their ultimate sacrifice for the Greater Good™, an example for us all.

Dear Leader leads with his butt! And, we are all the better for it.

So what if we didn't allow them to be armed and put them up in tents so they couldn't defend themselves. They did us proud!

Oh, just in case they catch the Obola virus, they will be required to stay there, away from their families and loved ones, so as not to bring the virus home to the USA.

This requirement, of course, will not apply to those well known to be infected with the virus.

Our cherished Political Correctness demands this!

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So, travel restrictions only apply to those with US. Passports?

In a strange way, it makes sense. FORWARD!