
Slogans of Obama '12 Campaign If He Wins in '08

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A submission of an alert People's reader Comrade CM:


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"[T]hey cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"I didn't think Mickey Mouse was actually going to vote."

"I only sat there for 20 years. I had no idea what he was talking about."

"Ayers is just some guy who lived in my neighborhood, helped me get elected, worked on an education commission with me and just happened to blow up some people."

Comrade CM
Arbeit Macht Obamatax.

Kein Arbeit Macht Obamabenefit.

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"600? What are you going to do with $600? Buy a new set of earrings?"

"I told ACORN not to register Roger Staubach and Danny White to vote in Nevada."

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2012? Who says there will be an election in 2012? I thought the plan was to get him elected in 2008, and then in early 2010, just before the inevitable swing towards conservatives happens once people see how poor a leader Obama and the Democrats are, we fabricate another fake crisis and declare martial law?

Has the plan changed, comrades? If so I need to alert the local party apparatchik.

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Rokas, the deadline has been pushed back just a little bit more. There are still a few teachers in the system who are literate and insist on teaching, but when they are retired, against their will if need be, we'll have an entire populace of voters who will never have heard of a constitution except as some vague fuzzy-wuzzy thing which guarantees them whatever their hearts desire.

And we know what we will tell them it will be.

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Ah, spasebo comrade Theocritus. I must notify my morons- I mean, People's Democratic Socialist Movement workers of the change in plans so that none of them jump the gun.

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Yes, Rokas. Never waste ammunition unless you must. These elections are tiresome, aren't they? So much easier if we could merely anoint and crown the choice of Keith Olberman.

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Indeed, comrade, these elections make me weary. My heart weeps in rage whenever I see someone's house with a McCain/Palin sign, and those pesky things called 'laws' keep me from arresting everyone in the building and then seizing their home for the State.

Soon though, when the glorious revolutionary anti-capitalist counter-imperialist workers' democratic people's candidate, Obama, gets in office then we can dispense with such wastes of time and money and concentrate on doing what Amerika needs: arresting anyone who gets in the way of Progressive Socialism.

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Yes, and the first to go will be the useful idiots in the MSM. I can hardly wait to see the look in Katie Couric's eyes when she's arrested. My lord I've hated to put up with that piano-legged cow.

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Six More Years!

The only ONE who can fix the mess HE made!

I can't undo 400 years of racism in only 4 years!

I promise to keep CHANGING until I find something you'll buy.

I am the ONE you're still waiting for!

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"We are the ones we have been waiting for!" Isn't that recursive nonsense?

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:"We are the ones we have been waiting for!" Isn't that recursive nonsense?


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Or autoproctological. Or, more fully, autoencephaloproctological.

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I would just call it insane, comrades, but then again, sanity is for the weak.

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Comrades, never underestimate the power of cheapjack sloganeering. The world's most powerful force. "We are the ones we have been waiting for."

"Where's the beef?"

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing."

Get it? Good.

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Of course. This is the era of the sound bite. Education is nothing but worksheets which can be copied; blackboards are corkboards; teachers are nothing but carriers of copied material.

So what is better than a slogan to make people feel good?

And as we all know, a good slogan is worth anything. In the short run, of course. But that's why we have five-year plans.