
SOS for Sherriff Dupe-nik!

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Fellow comrades/ettes of the Collective™:

It is with heavy heart that I bring this distressing news to you. Our dear Sherriff Dupe-nik, crusader for the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™ and reichwing Speech Impedimentor,
is starting to unravel in his objective of shutting down reichwing Hate Speech™, showing more 'holes' than a pair of Bawney Fwank® panties!

We Progs face many challenges trying to impose our superior agendas on the hoi poloi, using every tool at our disposal to justify our means in meeting our ends. But one of the biggest and most difficult foes to overcome is the TRUTH ( arghh! I'm melting... MELTING!).

I don't know who is responsible for this, but it appears there have been some... "leakage", that our dear Dupe-nik has known all along about this serial nutjob, er... outstanding citizen, Mr. Loner, in past incidences and run-ins he's had with him. It is starting to show that Sherriff Dupe-nik may have known all along about this young prole's mental illness, but has failed to do anything about it. It's starting to look like Sherriff Dupe-nik may have been negligent in supplying security for Congresswoman Giffords, but we all know the good Sherriff has more important; more pressing issues to contend with, with the likes of Rush Limbo and Sarah Impalin', than to worry about mundane, trivial things ( hey... 9-year olds get shot everday, don't you know? ).

The Progressive media is putting all their eggs in Sherriff Dupe-nik's basket, but it looks like our foe, or as some call them, Faux—as in FAUX News, has this to say about Dear Sherriff Dupe-nik: Don't click here if you really support Sherriff Dupe-nik

But fear not, comrades. Congressman Brady, ( D-PA intellectual deep thinker, ruminator of the abstract/obtuse and progressive philosopher of false realities ) has seemed to step in to the rescue. He has proposed a most glorious bill outlawing "crosshairs" on maps and congresspeople. Why didn't I think of this?! This is so simple; yet effective! Are all answers to life this easy? If you are ready to be enlightened, CLICK HERE.

Sarah Impalin' may be responsible for this horrible carnage, but do you know what her real crime is? Do you? Her real crime is... PLAGIARISM!! Yes it is!! Her insidious influence isn't just the 'toxic rhetoric' that "dick" Turbin, er... "dick" Durbin, er... DICK Durbin points out so lucidly in a diatribe, er... an interview on CNN last Sunday , or putting "crosshairs" on maps ( is "crosshairs" on maps somehow related to "pubic hairs" on Coke cans? I wonder... ) but her larger crime is stealing the idea already in existence from our kindred comrades on Daily Kozzz since 2008! The NERVE!

As if "intellectual property" doesn't mean squat these days, not only does Impalin' corrupt the impressionable mind of a reclusive, eccentric, pot-smoking, devil-worshipping, mentally ill reprobate piece of human debris, er... outstanding and impressionable victim of external circumstances not responsible for his lesser actions over the greater influences, she's irrefutably guilty of non-original thought!

To wit:


Comrades, we musn't let these forces of reichwing goody-two-shoes thwart our efforts of such outstanding crusaders as Sherriff Dupe-nik. We musn't let the Impalins steal our intellectual property. And geniuses like Turbin, er... DURBIN and Brady should be shouted from the mountain tops for all the hear. The TRUTH is our real enemy and it must be oppressed at ALL costs!


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I blame Safeway Stores for having a name that allows people to think they are SAFE there or something.