
Stop Bush's Illegal War Against Saturn!

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Fully Operational Bush Battle Station Moves into Position to Obliterate Saturn: Grand Moff Cheney Standing By to Initiate Firing Sequence

While the world fixes its attention on the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the sinister Bush Death Star, designed and built by Karl Rove after he "resigned" from the Bush administration, glides silently and stealthily into position to destroy the sixth planet of our solar system.

This picture was captured by Laika the Space Dog using superior Soviet Era imaging technology, and beamed back to tinfoil receivers on Earth. Senate majority leader Harry Reid praised Laika's discovery saying, "If not for this important and startling picture, we wouldn't have been able to stop this madness of opening a third front in an illegal and unnecessary war which we've already lost." Congressman Murtha and House Speaker Pelosi have vowed to defund the Death Star.

Without consulting Congress, Bush has effectively declared an intragalactic war by overstepping his constitutional authority as commander in chief. Bush offered the dubious excuse that, "We could not wait for Saturn to solidify and collide with Earth; therefore I have authorized the destruction of Saturn and its current regime." But Bush's saber rattling and war rhetoric comes a day late and a dollar short according to critics who cite UN astronomers who assert that there was no evidence of Saturn solidifying. Recent information that further weakens the Bush regime's case against Saturn was brought forth in the damning Celestial Intelligence Estimate that indicated Saturn had given up plans for solidification and wobbling out of orbit back in 2003.

Take action, comrades! Raise your voice! Join the candlelight vigil outside the Mount Palomar observatory to protest this administration run amok, and to raise public awareness of Bush's latest efforts to not only destroy the planet, but the entire solar system! Send generous donations to the People's Cube, care of Komissar Blogunov, to fund our efforts to restore sanity to the Cosmos! Do it for the children!

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Ah, but you have only scratched the surface of the evil being prepared by Bush and his henchmen to destroy the universe!

Death Star Galaxy' Blasts Neighbor With Lethal Jet


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My spies have discovered a weakness in the Halliburton manufactured Death Star. We only have to sneak up to it undetected and drop a small bomb into a thermal exhaust port, starting a chain reaction which will destroy it! The only vehicle capable of this mission is Hillary's broom and nobody can ride it except her. Hillary, report to People's Rebel Command ASAP! Bring warm clothes. And your broom.

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Amazing what a black backdrop, some beige cordoroy drapes and a Top-Flight can do in a pinch.


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Tsk, tsk, tsk, Bush and his illegal wars..... When will he have enough! Such a blood thirsty maniac. Obviously starting wars between nations is not good enough for him. He must start wars in the galaxy.

The real axis of evil: