
TBS Imitates the People's Cube!

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This is a sad day, comrades! Say what you want about Stalin but he never stole sitcom ideas! The treachery is too great. The kulak saboteurs at the Amerikan TBS have created a misleading stunt spoof about a Russian director claiming that TBS stole his ideas while in fact they were actually stealing ideas from the People's Cube and

We demand justice! We demand our own show on TBS - about us comrades living in a close-knit community in Amerika! Let the sharpest shovel win!

Image We learned about this today from our own conscientious comrade who has infiltrated the enemy ranks and is featured in this video impersonating a blond Russian woman with a big vodka glass and a bunch of kielbasas in her hand. No bourgeois innuendo for you!

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Red Square wrote:Let the sharpest shovel win!

If that's the case, my vote's for Pinkie, although Yelena is a close second.

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Red Square wrote:Let the sharpest shovel win!

Comrade, I dare you promote evil competition on The Cube (spit), I denounce you! (Even if you are more equal)

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Ahh you cannot denounce Comrade Dear Leader Red Square without first going through (or bribing with massive amounts of power) the (more or less) Loyal Revolutionary Red Guards(TM)

It is clear Comrade Dear Leader was simply showing a dangerous competition.

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If this is what you call stealing, this is good. This is our glorious system, is it not? Good for TBS, good for People's Cube. Comrade Red Rooster has a point. We share, we don't steal or compete, except for to see who can shovel fastest and deepest. For this, it is good to bring in a shock shovel to shock the others. My little shovel may shock the other comrades into this competition, but it would produce only a mere spark and is no match for the shovel of comrade Pinkie or others. Comrade Red Square, this blonde who confided in you, she only makes trouble. Let the stealing continue.

*Note to comrade Colonel 7.62-this competition was so tight that our posts came up simultaneously-does this mean that our shovels are in a close competition?

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Red Rooster wrote:
Red Square wrote:Let the sharpest shovel win!

Comrade, I dare you promote evil competition on The Cube (spit), I denounce you! (Even if you are more equal)

You forget, Comrade Rooster, that all shovels are equally sharp, although Commissarka Pinkie's is more equally sharp than others, and that all are winners given equality of outcomes. Thus, all shovels being equally sharp, all participants are winners. Our all-wise, beloved incarnadine trapezoid leader never suggested anything so filthy as a competition, and I denounce you for the thought crime of thinking such!

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Leninka wrote:If this is what you call stealing, this is good. This is our glorious system, is it not? Good for TBS, good for People's Cube. Comrade Red Rooster has a point. We share, we don't steal or compete, except for to see who can shovel fastest and deepest. For this, it is good to bring in a shock shovel to shock the others. My little shovel may shock the other comrades into this competition, but it would produce only a mere spark and is no match for the shovel of comrade Pinkie or others. Comrade Red Square, this blonde who confided in you, she only makes trouble. Let the stealing continue.

*Note to comrade Colonel 7.62-this competition was so tight that our posts came up simultaneously-does this mean that our shovels are in a close competition?

Comrade Leninka, as Comrade Dr. Strangelove points out, there is no competition, that all are equal. Therefore I suspect you are not fully in touch with your Inner Comrades(TM). I'm sure Marshal Pupovich has the right mental health cure for you. Meanwhile, off to Jifi-Lobo(TM) with you!

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From the People's Glossary:

Competition <br>Barbaric, insensitive ritual steeped in social Darwinism. We cannot allow the fittest to survive in our society. Your loss is someone else's gain, and your gain is someone else's loss.Therefore, loserscontribute to the society and winners take away from it. Being a winner is unethical, while a society of losers is happy, moral, and prosperous as a collective. A progressivesociety of the future, steeped in diversity, inclusiveness, and collectivism, shall have no winners. Everyone will be a loser, which in our book means ethical team player.

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Thanks you both, Colonel 7.62 and Comrade Red Square, for the enlightenment. Of course, we are all losers. I'll get my self to Jifi-Lobo immediately.

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Damn straight we are all losers. But we are EQUAL losers, which is the most important thing. Also before you stop by Jifi-Lobo(TM) would you pick up a couple of dozen donuts and bring them by my command tent? None of the sprinkle kind or maple bars though.

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Ah, Comrade, I see synthesis has taken hold in the current definition of competition. I joyously take all denouncements of my denouncement, as well as the prodigious label of ThoughtCriminal(TM).

Now, I must go distribute some more Jiffi-Lobo...

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:Damn straight we are all losers. But we are EQUAL losers, which is the most important thing. Also before you stop by Jifi-Lobo(TM) would you pick up a couple of dozen donuts and bring them by my command tent? None of the sprinkle kind or maple bars though.

Right away, Colonel 7.62. Donuts for you, and donut holes for me, to fill the gap in my brain that widens after each Jifi-Lobo.

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What a glorious TV show the collective on the Cube would make. Commissar Theo could bring Bruno for Pinkie to whack around with her shovel, Comrade Red Square could demonstrate total equality of results, Sister Massively Opiated could clean up after Pupovich leaves an area, all while engaging in synchronized beet digging! Oh the glorious possibilities are endless. Imagine a noble procession of angry Red Guards with their People's Rifles marching across the ragged landscape. While singing "Over the Rainbow". Picture Laika broadcasting the noble messages to the foil receivers of made progressives everywhere! And Comrade Grigori leading us all in deep mediation on the meaning of being a socialist. We could hold a show trial for the Criminally Insane Vodkov! Chairman Meow could preside over it.

Ohh so many glorious Comrades, so many glorious ideas, so little time. What a show we could have!

{off} I have a very less than equal camera that takes live video. Is there a comrade or two who could take submissions of video clips from comrades so that they could be assembled into a People's Cube video on youtube?

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:What a glorious TV show the collective on the Cube would make. Commissar Theo could bring Bruno for Pinkie to whack around with her shovel, Comrade Red Square could demonstrate total equality of results, Sister Massively Opiated could clean up after Pupovich leaves an area, all while engaging in synchronized beet digging! Oh the glorious possibilities are endless. Imagine a noble procession of angry Red Guards with their People's Rifles marching across the ragged landscape. While singing "Over the Rainbow". Picture Laika broadcasting the noble messages to the foil receivers of made progressives everywhere! And Comrade Grigori leading us all in deep mediation on the meaning of being a socialist. We could hold a show trial for the Criminally Insane Vodkov! Chairman Meow could preside over it.

Ohh so many glorious Comrades, so many glorious ideas, so little time. What a show we could have!

Brilliant idea Colonel 7.62.

You are on to something here. The dribble wildly creative ideas that comes out of the People's Cube comrades borders on the insane would make an excellent piece of propaganda in the form of entertainment. Every good show starts with a script. Perhaps one or more of us could come up with some skeleton plots, (Leninka humbly offers her services for at least one plot) and then we could pass the story around to different comrades to whack, rearrange, embellish, crush, destroy, electrocute, and poop on as they wish. I can see an opening scene now: Laika the Space Dog beaming signals down to the collective. And it is not hard to envision somewhere in the middle of the story the words: "Meanwhile back at the gulag . . ." superimposed on to a scene.

{off} I have a very less than equal camera that takes live video. Is there a comrade or two who could take submissions of video clips from comrades so that they could be assembled into a People's Cube video on youtube?

This too, is a brilliant idea.

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I tried to denounce Kiril in the comment section on YouTube but was denied!
Proof that this is the evil work or capitalist stooges!

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I knew Ted Turner was a thief, here is my proof. Now if all y'all will excuse me, I need to notify the thoughtpolice.