
Ted Williams; the prototype before the production model?

If you haven't been following the story of the Ohio homeless man with the golden announcer's voice, it's time to start paying attention. Mr. Ted Williams's recent discovery may be an opening crack in a curtain covering a vast conspiracy to re-create the United States as a European style social democracy.

As images of Mr. Williams flooded the Internet, cable news and the print media, particularly those acquired after they cut his hair and cleaned him up, many observers noted a remarkable resemblance to another much photographed public figure. That would be the current occupant of the White House, President Barak Hussein Obama. There are other similarities. Both Mr. Williams and the President possess sonorous, pleasant speaking voices. They're both light-skinned black men. They're about the same height and build and display a similar body habitus on video. Mr. Williams is reported to be a few years older than the President but there may be a good reason. He may have come before.
This becomes significantly sinister only when it is juxtapositioned with the fact that there is a strategy out there on the far left that has been publicly embraced by many in the President's hard core collective base. It was first articulated by a couple of sociologists at Columbia University, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. In short, their idea was to overload and collapse the social welfare system. The resulting chaos and civil unrest would provide the justification for a charismatic leader to assume extraordinary dictatorial powers to nationalize the nation's wealth and redistribute it in the creation of a glorious collectivist people's paradise ruled by a class of omniscient, benevolent Ivy League Mandarins. Think Hugo Chavez and Venezuela. But without the warm-up suits and better haircuts.

Starting with the New Deal in the thirties, they've made pretty good progress on the overload the system part. The progressive agenda accelerated with the Great Society in the sixties. It was slowed slightly during the Regan Administration and again by the Republican Congress with welfare reform during the Clinton years. The brakes were eased during the Bush years and now Obama by executive fiat has put the pedal to the metal and has already started the nationalization process with the financial system, the auto industry, health care and the college loan business. All of the pieces needed to fill in the Cloward and Piven template seem to be falling into place.

But what about the charismatic leader part? The Cloward and Piven formula requires a leader with very specific special qualities. The perfect leader would have to be a good, if not a great orator. He would be a physically attractive family man. He would have to appeal to the minorities in the underclass while at the same time be acceptable to white elites. They would need someone right out of central casting, maybe a light-skinned, clean-cut, non-threatening black fellow with a pleasant speaking voice, an Ivy League education, a semi-beautiful wife and two cute kids. Or as Joe Biden put it, “clean and articulate”.

Barak Obama came out of nowhere. He skyrocketed from community organizer to President of the United States in less than ten years. All we know about him is what he and his handlers choose to tell us. We know less about Barak Obama's background than any other president. The Birthers have declared Barak a pretender because they believe the circumstances of his birth make him constitutionally ineligible to hold the Office. But with all the credibility of a North Korean foreign policy proclamation, they will probably never actually make their case that he was born in Kenya. Never the less, they have forced Obama and his supporters to spend millions in legal fees to block access to the man's past, whatever it may. Maybe the Birthers are asking the wrong question. Is the correct question where he was born or how?

Historically strong leaders like Hitler, Stalin, FDR, Churchill and others were not developed as part of some sort of pre-determined plan. The just seemed to show up at the right time and place. But guys like this don't grow on trees. The Cloward and Piven crowd couldn't wait on the ebb and flow of history to produce the perfect one at exactly the right time and place. They would have to create him. But not a “Manchurian Candidate” molded from imperfect stock. They needed a messianic leader in the form of the quintessential progressive new man. Maybe they tried and succeeded.

Is it possible that President Barak Hussein Obama is actually a manufactured clone, custom fabricated with very specific characteristics? If he is, they probably didn't get it exactly right the first time they tried. Mr. Ted Williams, slightly older, with his substance abuse and other issues, may be one of the first of several attempts that just didn't come out quite exactly right. It's interesting that shortly after his rescue from obscurity, Mr. Williams found himself in the welcome open arms of MSNBC, the unofficial broadcast division of the Obama White House Press Office. MSNBC is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric, coincidently a strong corporate supporter of the Obama Administration. In the late fifties and early sixties General Electric was one of the few companies with both the technical and financial resources to take advantage of the then emerging science to conduct a successful cloning program.

Possibly Mr. Williams has brothers or even sisters out there. How many attempts would it take with mid-twentieth century technology to produce the leader that perfectly fit the Cloward and Piven template? Moreover, it would make sense to release the earlier experiments into the general population in order to covertly monitor their performance and determine long-term survivability under actual field conditions. How many more might be out there?

During the campaign, the President spoke of a civilian security force with the same resources as the standing military

Was he alluding to a clone army of Protobamas?

More to come.

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So Ted Williams is the precursor of Obama like John the Baptist was for that Jebus guy? Gosh, I can't wait to find out who his apostles are gonna be.

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I would give an edumacated guess that the apostles would be: Rev'n Jeremiah Wright, Rahm Emanuel, Darth Axelrod, George Soros, Saul Alinsky, Billy-bob Ayers, The rearend Jesse Jackass, Al "not so" Sharpton, Frank Marshall Davis, Gregory Galluzzo, Mike Kruglik, and of course, dear 'ol Dad.