
The 50 Year War

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The Collective celebrates the 50th Anniversary of "The Great Society" today!

Considered to be one of the greatest Progressive Leaders since FDR, Lyndon B. Johnson implemented "The War On Poverty" on Jan. 8, 1964, which introduced social welfare in the form we see today in our nation. Our current Great Leader, follows in his footsteps & will insure that "The Great Socialist Society" continues until The Entitled Worker's Paradise is permanent & our children's children units will never know the evil that is repressive capitalism!

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I always wondered how the "war on poverty" ended. Has there been a peace treaty or a ceasefire? Who is the occupying force and who are the insurgents?

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Red Square wrote:I always wondered how the "war on poverty" ended. Has there been a peace treaty or a ceasefire? Who is the occupying force and who are the insurgents?
Dear Beloved Chairman RedSquare: The simple & incontrovertible fact is that the 50 year War on Poverty will not end is on schedule to be the "new" 100 Years War! The Collective is the occupying force & the reactionary Re-Thug-Lycans are the insurgents of course! There is no peace, only as in Bosnia-Herzegovina, "an absence of war"!!

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And we've only spent $20 trillion.... my my... are we not impressed with our comrades!

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Fraulein Frankenfeinstein wrote:And we've only spent $20 trillion.... my my... are we not impressed with our comrades!
A small pittance of what is really needed Herr Komradess Fraulein Frankenfeinstein! As you are well aware, The Goal of The Collective is TOTAL control entitlement of The Masses! That takes fundage & massive fundage we will have...soon...very soon! Might I add to this posting that your MarxMas & New 5 Year Plan Year celebrations have left you with a charming glow of contentment! Or is that from living so close to a nuclear power plant?

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Have a heart - donate what you can* to end hunger now.

Feed the Poor.jpg

*Small denomination bills only.

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@ Captain ... that font is a bit challenging I was thinking it said "Help me Gard the Door ". Finally figured it out.

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darski wrote:@ Captain ... that font is a bit challenging I was thinking it said "Help me Gard the Door ". Finally figured it out.

Good point, Comrade Darski. I have "korrelted" the script.

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The reason it failed is because we didn't sacrifice enough. We need to redouble our efforts!! Tighten the belts and raise the fists, with a song on lips, bravely carry the battle on forward, marching all together, left, left, left....