
The Flag of The People's State of Obama

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A truly Equal Comrade made this flag for the State of WashingtonGreat State of Obama. Clearly we in the Progressive World of Obama cannot have a State named after a dead, white European male. It is time to rename the state for the living legend, the true embodiment of the progressive and socialist spirit that is Obama.


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I think he needs a big fuzzy hat and a motto underneath.

The motto could be "L'etat, c'est moi."

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As we speak, I'm pledging alligence to this State and flag.

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It's missing something, like "don't tread one me". How about "Do as we say, not as we do", "We won, we'll trump you with that" or "Yes we can and there's nothing you can do about it".

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I like the way the red background accentuates the yellow of Dear Leader's nicotine stained teeth.

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There isn't nearly enough Red on this flag......

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@Colonel 7.62

As you stated "A truly Equal Comrade made this flag" and a fine job at that! Being that we are all truly equal, I hereby take part credit for this flag. Medals for everyone are in order.