
Paper or Plastic- the choice is easy now!

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Papa Obama covers face in sign of solidarity against AZ with the
Official "People's Bag of Shame"
(post modern Progressive version of the "Scarlett Letter" combined with the burqa)


Most exciting news today! Once again our most glorious leader, Papa Obama, has shown the superiority of his intellect over all people. Drawing from his Islamic heritage of the burqa and in showing his solidarity against the illegal "anti-illegal immigrant", racist law of Arizona and not to be outdone byRep. Baca's "illegal immigration-law protest" bracelets, Papa Obama has decided to wear a "pro illegal-immigration" protest recycled paper bag over his head. The Official, State-approved "People's Bag of Shame".

As our Most Glorious Leader wears the"People's Bag of Shame", it is to show how we have all " sinned" as a nation against illegal immigrants undocumented workers

The recycled paper bag is not only a better public reminder to the masses and the MSM of your dedication to the illegals in this country than a small bracelet; it is green friendly, multi-cultural and gives one another reason to proudly ask for paper and not plastic at the grocery store. Once again, Papa Obama has shown us the best progressive way

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But I thought we went to plastic bags to save trees? Ask for plastic and save a tree or ask for paper because it's biodegradable. It's so confusing. I wish someone would make a plastic made out of paper.

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President O could do more to show his hatred of the Arizona law, such as making his paper bag pointy on top, wearing a long, matching robe, and carrying a burning cross!

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as usual both your words are wise.

Comrade Whoopie,

such confusion is the beauty of Progressivism. By keeping the masses confused, insecure, anxious and wanting for answers, they are more prone to accept the State's "help". Just as Minister Rahm has said "never let a good crisis" go to waste, we must also keep the masses in a constant state of confusion.

For example, the terms Negro, Black and African American, which to use ? At one time, all names were socially acceptable, but with Senator Reid's use of the word Negro- is it acceptable now? Can a proletariat use it or is it just meant for inner party members? This symbolism is very important to us Progressives; it is all we have

Of course, since progressive ideas are more about feelings than outcomes and history is filled with our economic, social failures (we will get right this time), we must depend on symbolism more than substance to promote our progressive ideas. We must must appeal to ones' emotional being rather than their logical being- “It's for the children”; “We must show people we care”; “We want to help you” etc.

As for the bags, I should have mentioned they are recycled as well. I will re-write history correct this mistake in the record before the Propaganda Minister see its. Thanks ! I just got back from re-education - what would my graduation class think of me if they saw this mistake?

Czar Czar
I like it! Not only could Papa Obama draw strong attention to the racist, xenophobic law to help stop illegal immigration, but he could play up his mulatto bi-racial character as well. Papa Obama could show how one side of him, the Negro Black African-American (the good side), is against it but the White (bad side) of him is for it. Thus by speaking from both "sides of the fence", we know even more that his "path" is the correct one!

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Is he a "double-bagger"? In case one falls off that is.

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Infidel Castrate wrote:Is he a "double-bagger"? In case one falls off that is.

Good question. I am not sure. I will have to check with former Propaganda Minister
Larry Sinclair on that one

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Hip Hip Hurray! Who is Bag Ready?!

(help, help!! I can't breeefth!!)


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Fraulein, you made me giggle (quit it). I like the new avatar though. Oh, and you were supposed to cut air holes in the bag, not just paint black dots on it.

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Maybe Frau's PhotoShop eraser is broken. However, the bag, has that certain shi shi duck tape sheen. Looks easy to keep clean.

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Frau, now you to know why I to be taking off the burkha. Between it and the healthy growing of the facial hairs it makes for impossibility of the inhaling. Also, the exhaling of the beet and vodka breath that then must be for inhaling can make for much whooziness.

Though it is of good solidaritiness that Dear Leader make for such head wear.

Hmmm... could this to be new fashion promotion for all the Demoncrapticks in Congress?

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Fraulein, you made me giggle (quit it). I like the new avatar though. Oh, and you were supposed to cut air holes in the bag, not just paint black dots on it.

huff pant pant gasp! You could not have given informative informative earlier, dear comrade?

Yes, dear Leninka, duck duct tape is most easily to keep well manicured although it does tend to stick to my head ornamentations.

It is good to give visual supporters to Mooslimick peoples, is it not, Mrs. Al?!

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Yes, Frau. I am of ObamaHope that all the Demoncrapticks and even the progressive peoples to be of suffocation bag hat so they to better feel for my country peoples.