
Traficant Exposes Collectivist Agenda

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Fellow collectivists,

Mr. Traficant exposed the Party's agenda in the USA! I denounce this man! He shall be dealt with accordingly! He wants to rid central banking, rid the heavy progressive tax program, and other collectivist ideals! This is treason! Unite!

So when we have to subsidize the free enterprise capitalistic system, it no longer exists. It's a socialistic communist system. What frightens me is that the government has gotten so big and now it's about to get bigger. I'm not so sure that we shouldn't have the private sector maintaining industry and the government taking care of those who fall through the safety net, as we always have—and there's nothing wrong with that. But I can't see us running all these industries. Government can't do it. It shouldn't be done.

We are the [most] socialistic nation in history, for the truth of the matter is that socialism is the redistribution of the wealth and no one redistributes wealth more than the United States of America. So we are a socialist system, augmented by a communist dollar program, a Marxist progressive income tax. Jim Traficant is saying that the income tax system in the United States is a Marxist program, the foundation of the Marxist economic platform.

In addition, I'm saying, the Federal Reserve System should be abolished, not audited, abolished. And Congress should coin money and should put our borders in order and regulate commerce with foreign nations and move to a fair tax which empowers everyone and has everybody pay their fair share; and nobody [would be exempt], including drug dealers, people on the street, the underground economy, illegal immigrants. Everybody pays [with the retail sales tax]. For those people who fall through the safety net, Congress has enough intelligence to promulgate plans and programs within that scheme to take care of them.


The tax code is at the root of the problems we have in America today. We have a communist Marxist-Leninist tax policy in America. People don't want to believe that, but it's the truth. The predicate of the Marxist economic platform was a progressive income tax aimed at the so-called wealthy. But the truth of the matter is that the wealthy can avoid payment of taxes and they do, legally. So they are also taking jobs offshore since this tax code has destroyed America's commerce.

You can't fix the system. It's got to be replaced. We should repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and abolish the Internal Revenue Service and institute a fair tax which would be a 25 percent retail sales tax, new retail sales only.

The chairman of the economic department at Harvard did a study that said this would be revenue-neutral, that it would raise the same amount of money our tax system now does and there would probably be no appreciable increase in prices, because if you take the burden of the current tax code off the backs of the companies that have all of these headaches dealing with it, they would be able to reduce prices for consumers. It would be the first border adjusted tax in our history. It's not protectionism. If you buy an American car, it's a 25 percent tax. If you buy a foreign car, it's a 25 percent tax.

But there should be no taxes on savings or investment, no death tax, no capital gains tax. There would be no more withholding on salaries. This tax encourages you to work. The more you work, the more you make. The more you spend the more you pay in taxes.

When people come from Germany and Japan to visit Las Vegas, they will be contributing to our tax system. Illegal aliens who exist outside the income tax system would also now be paying and contributing. And look at the massive underground economy involving narcotics here in this country. They don't pay income taxes, but they do spend money and a 25% retail sales tax would impact them and they would contribute to the system.

No more April 15. No more tax forms. Get the government the Hell out of our lives.Thirty-five states already collect a sales tax. Ninety-five percent of retail sales are conducted by big retailers. Only five percent are conducted by small business in America. People don't realize that. Our troops are over in Germany and Japan and spending their money over there. If we had our troops here at home on our wide-open borders they would be spending their money here at home.

Read the article here

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A Progressively Elite squad of Highly Trained Goons will be paying Un-Comrade Traficant an visit at midnight. It been a few weeks since we had a rousing door-kicking party, eh comrades? Mandatory attendance is voluntary. BYOV

Comrade Turnitoff
Sturmhauptfuhrer of Thoughtcrime Kriminalpolizei (Reichssicherheitshauptamt Division)
Deputy Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight

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Pay no mind to him, he's a convicted felon and as such his opinions are easily dismissed.

It's just a pity he turned on his Party. The time he spent in prison would have given him the credibility to be a future Democrat Presidential candidate.

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I read the interview. Unfortuately, it makes Traficant sound like he forgot to take his lithium. His ideas are sound. We do need to replace the Income Tax with the FairTax, the Federal Reserve needs to go away, and the Second Amendment needs to be protected and enforced.

However, a lot of what he was saying was just sour grapes about his conviction. He also had this to say about Jimmy Carter:

They are starting to defame Jimmy Carter whose heart is probably the best heart of any president ever elected.

Well, Carter may have had a good heart, but when God passed out the brains, ole Jimmah thought He said trains and said, "I'll take a slow freight."